
Would appreciate any contacts or links to information/details on the Soviet Bomber missions of this aircraft. Or on details of any Soviet bombing missions. Details are lacking on this subject.

Sorry, I can’t find the site I looked at last night on this, but some limited missions of a symbolic nature were flown against Berlin, and were flown with special long range diesel engines. They were not successful, as the Red Air Force did not emphasize it’s pre-WWII bomber wings.

Interesting aircraft…

The russian B-17 ?

This aircraft was used mostly for transport duties, one carried the foreign minister Molotov everywhere.

Here you can find something…



Hi Lancer-mate
We already had the simular theme in thread about Dresden.
Soviet night Pe-8 raid on Berlin in august 1941 had more psychological effect rather then war.
11 Pe-8 ( just 6 come back to the airfields on different reasons) dropped bombs on Berlin.
The remained aircraft were used mostly as transport or spesial-passenger purposes like Panzerknacker told.
I agree with Lancer’s source. It was quite sensless action bombing. And soon after the prodaction of super-dear Pe-8 was stopped ,becouse the front needed by ILs,Jaks and Migs for the REAL fight with german army.

already after the WW2 USSR the strategic bombers were necessary as the aircraft-carrier of the nuclear weapons. It was developed Tu-4, soviet copy of B-29.

Yes, interesting how the Soviets used indiscriminate incendiary attacks at night. They must be war criminals.:slight_smile:

Certainly they were a war criminals, who is doubt? :wink:
Only holy US strategic bombers forces which burned on and destroed whole cities together with population for a hours weren’t war criminals, becouse in fight for “democraty” any methods (including nazi’s) are good :slight_smile:

Chevan, stop it, please…
I cannot stand another thread about Dresden.
Enough is enough!



This WILL NOT be another Dresden thread.

Hey, who did say about Dresden , guys?
I just wrote we had the simular discuss about Pe-8 in Dresden thread.
I absolutly don’t intend repit it again.
And if Nickdfresh have a good feeling of humor why not support him :slight_smile: