Pearl Harbor

Interesting photo I found on Wikipedia, it’s an aerial shot from a Jap plane looking east over Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7th, 1941. If you look closely you can see the battleship row and some Japanese Zeros flying around madly.


Nice picture Tiger .

Thanks Clauss, any other comments?

Do you maybe know whats this ,on picture white buildings is that military or civil objects,

You know, unfortunately, I don’t as of now, it was an interesting pic on Wikipedia, I’d research it if I had the time, but it would take awhile (probably) and because of my school work, I unfortunately dont have that time. :cry:

Ah Pearl harbour. Poor Japs, if only they could have known. Still I dont suppose it would have affected the ultimate outcome.

I doubt it, if they had destroyed American Aircraft Carriers, than it possibly could have had an affect.

I doubt it, if they had destroyed American Aircraft Carriers, than it possibly could have had an affect.[/quote]

Thats what I said isnt it?

I just added a bit about if they destroyed any aircraft carriers it could have changed the course of the war, but you said initially it didn’t have much effect because they only targeted battle ships and not subs or aircraft carriers.

No I said this

Ah Pearl harbour. Poor Japs, if only they could have known. Still I dont suppose it would have affected the ultimate outcome.

Nothing else about anything. I agree with you.

i doubt that the US would have attacked japan, if they didnt attack pearl harbor…even though they were part of the axis.

Er am I mad here? I have never said anything to the contrary.

Im afraid you guys are making things up! Interesting thread, based on supposition and mis-interpertation I suspect.

I know that they wouldn’t have attacked Japan - the US was neutral until Pearl Harbour!

Pearl Harbour only had battleships though, didn’t it?

The fleet was all out.

Yes, the US Navy only had their battleships though, the aircraft carriers weren’t docked.

Too bad eh… ;D

What do you think would of happened to the War if the Japanese didn’t attack the Americans.

Of course if the Germans HAD successfully conquered europe and onto other places then of course the usa would be drawn into the war sometime, but perhaps if the japanese didn’t attack usa then the germans might of created the atomic bomb aswell before the usa tested it on hiroshima.

Lets not make the Pearl harbour thread another what if Germay got the Bomb thread.

Lets not make the Pearl harbour thread another what if Germay got the Bomb thread.[/quote]

lol :lol: Anyway though, Commando Jordovski, sooner or later we probably would have gotten involved in the war… It may have been just soon enough or too late, but we’d have gotten in there sometime… :shock: