Pearl Harbour

If we retire from the first plane the love topic and the sweet Kate Beckinsale of the movie, and we emphasize the military topic we could enjoy excellent special effects, specially in the Japanese attack, the sinking of the Oklahoma and the Arizona and then the dogfights between the P-40s of the protagonists, and the Zeros.

Do you agree?

Yes I agree. This movie is great. Good footage, good perspective, and awesome action. This movie shows the real actions in Pearl Harbor as they were in real life. Here is a tip. When you here the bell ringing on the ship, GET OUT!

Pearl Harbour is stupid propaganda! In this movie are very much whoppers. I can´t tell you what filmmakers made a mesh of in Pearl Harbor because I am not good at english. I hope, you all understood me.

This film is silmply junk!

personally i think that pearl harbor was completely provoked by the united states we expected an attack we just had no clue that it was going to be on hawaii. we cut off their way of getting supplys and they declaired war on us for it, the movie, though i agree is a very well filmed movie, is not a realistic depiction of the actual events the Japanese flew without using their radios at all, and they flew over choppy seas so that they couldn’t be detected the movie makes the love scenes and the betrayal of kate bekinsdale and ben afflick the main even while casting a shadow over the true events, this movie downplays the actual events and cannot begin to really describe the true feelings that should have come from it.

What a load of crap this was, historically inaccurate, special effects that had prop driven aircraft dogfighting at near supersonic speed and the worst actor of his generation-Ben Affleck.

Tora! Tora! Tora! does it a whole lot better.

Regards digger:shock:

Fully agree.
Absolutly unreal physics in so called “special effects” and historical inaccurance.
Plus the clearly expressed american propoganda in the pitiful attempt to portray the barbarian japanes who attacked the US military base and justify the US own bombings of Japane cities as the “revenge” for the Perl Harbor ( where were killed about 20 civils!!!).
I was not able to accept this film seriously ;).
This is full failure in comparition with the great americans films like “Letters from Ivo Jima” or “Saving privite Ryin”.
Even the millions dollars for the computer effects did not help this movie to be the enough good to watch it twice.
And Ben AFfleck - the hero of the holliwood youth comedy;) What could be more absurdly…

The part i found most repulsive about this movie was not the boring love triangle, but the ridiculous historical inaccuracies. Aside from the obvious like the fact that ww2 era airplanes were being portrayed like modern day jets and the notion that Japanese pilots would be stupid enough to collide in mid-air, the inaccuracy i found most annoying was that US servicemen weren’t allowed to join the RAF and also the fact that the RAF would have checked his sight upon joining.

the movie was a love story. giving it the name “Pearl Harbor” was a mistake, as it gives you the idea it is a war/history movie, when in fact, it war/history parts were inaccurate, and generally lame.

many US pilots did join the RAF “eagle squadron” i think it was called, but they were required to resign their US commissions first.

Gotta agree on this one. Tora! Tora! Tora! was the film!

Funny thing is, the film was enormously popular in Japan for the Pearl Harbor scene alone…:smiley:

I liked the attack scene, the special effects were good, fast forward through the first 30 minutes and a couple of other parts with Affleck and the guy that always looks like he just pooped himself and you have an ENTERTAINING film. I actually had avoided watching it since it came out because I had heard how horrid it was with the love story crap thrown in, I did watch it the other day thought to review the costumes for my blog. A lot of the movie seems to be fairly far fetched as far as the characters’ involvement in various events as well. I seriously hope that people would go to a book instead of a movie for their truth in history. lol

My WWII moviecollection is rated from left’good’ to right’bad’.

This one is at the outer-right almost falling off the shelf…

Bought the ‘triple’ Director’s Cut version but that was a waste of money…

Kate Beckinsale is the best thing to see in the movie…and that dude…I don’t want to remember his name…well…he makes the movie even worse then it already is…

PH makes the same mistake as SPR…overpatriotisme…over’specialeffects’ but not realistic…

This movie doesn’t deserve your money…