Pentagon and Gay bomb to turn enemy soldiers into homosexuals

A Berkeley watchdog organization that tracks military spending said it uncovered a strange U.S. military proposal to create a hormone bomb that could purportedly turn enemy soldiers into homosexuals and make them more interested in sex than fighting. Pentagon officials confirmed to CBS station KPIX-TV that military leaders had considered, and then subsequently rejected, building the so-called gay bomb. The documents show the Air Force lab asked for $7.5 million to develop such a chemical weapon.



As if the battlefield isn’t already full of enough things to cause lasting nightmares.

Still, it’d be the first battlefield application of the maxim “Make love, not war.”

Just a minor point: Does being stabbed by a beef bayonet by someone on one’s own side constitute grounds for a wound medal, or is it just a workplace accident?


Not really? Americans must be in a very desparate situation … also think about all the collateral damage :stuck_out_tongue:

Would it be a war crime to use it on civilians?

Would the Gay Gordons be immune to it? Or become fatally over-excited?

I can see it now, everyone in Iraq wanting to move to San Francisco.

Maybe thats what happened to San Francisco! :smiley: Secret test area maybe!

Holding hands and singing the Volga Boat Song together. LOL!

An homosexual is still able to fight and operate heavy machinery like cannons, aircraft and so… I dont see any advantage at all :rolleyes:

It would be like taking an overdose of viagra. Would be troublesome to keep focused. It doesnt instantly make you a homosexual. And that would be besides the point. I know I guy that surived in Iraq that was gay and he did his job just fine. Came home to his wifey man.

What would happen to the soldiers that were already gay. Would it turn then straight?

It would be like taking an overdose of viagra. Would be troublesome to keep focused. It doesnt instantly make you a homosexual. And that would be besides the point. I know I guy that surived in Iraq that was gay and he did his job just fine. Came home to his wifey man.

Okay, but that still sound like a unusual way to waste military resources.

What would happen to the soldiers that were already gay. Would it turn then straight?

Probably they will became drag queens :smiley:

Other b"bombs" have included LSD that would render troops unalbe to fight.

Basically it is a way of incapacitating the enemy, so we can bowl up and clamp 'em in zip ties and POW them.

As if combat doesn’t f**k with your mind enough already.

True. And most ancient Greeks, including the 300 Spartans, were essentially bi-sexual…

Perhaps it was tested on our allies in the British Army?:confused:

I posted this in another Forum today in fact:

Well, I don’t know about the British motivation, but down here in Oz we did those sorts of drills all the time. As Chrissie Amphlett said, there’s a fine, fine line between pleasure and pain.

Admittedly, the blokes who did these drills brilliantly weren’t suitable for proper military work. Possibly because mostly they were officer material. Or angling for a front line position in the Dental Corps.

Not like the rugged Canadian lumberjacks. :slight_smile:

An LSD Bomb? That would be really slaughtering! Trust me, i have seen people thinking they can fly or being able see sounds :neutral:

Not sure if they will just get some sort of overdose and don’t get the “good drug effect” but the more common “bad visions” for an overdose … the result would be an absolute overreaction of the brain and an immense flew of adrealine through the body - complete that with some religious indoctrination and you get real suicide fights!