Personal insults - thread locked permanently

Puff, dont waste time with this two nasty ruskies Flamethrowerguy.

They will say nothing happen they will say all the crimes by the red army are an invention of “western propanganda”, they will say that you have a “cold war mentality” and so.
They have the same level of consideration towards civil casualties as a exterminator with a crockroach.

Everytime I read one their post i feel like vomit. Sometimes I wonder if there is many people like that russia…if so russia is doomed, and we too.

Thanks for the valuable input, Panzerknacker! You are a sweetheart!

What you waiting for ? Denounce me to the kommintern you################.

[b]Mod Edit!

This kind of personal insult of hurling epithets needs to stop! If you disagree with him, fine. But you respond to light sarcasm with paranoia and profane insults.[/b]

WTF is up with you PK?

Is this what happens when the board loses your dictatorial standards of erratic modding?

Or have you just started your period?

Egorka and Chevan naturally see WWII through Russian eyes, as I do through Australian eyes, and Nickdfresh would through American eyes if he was sober :D, and so on to the extent that we’re considering things about our own national military histories, although we all try to see things from others’ perspectives and can do that best on topics where our nations weren’t involved.

As I’ve said several times elsewhere, everyone is to some extent a prisoner of their national history.

So far as Argentina is concerned in WWII, that’s not an issue as it didn’t feel sufficiently brave to abandon its fascist tendencies until a couple of months before VE day when it bravely declared war against the Germany it had sympathised with for the whole of the rest of the war. Possibly because it had long before exported its anti-fascist Anglo elements to 164 Sqn RAF.

Argentina sat out the war comfortably fighting among its elites while the poor bloody Russians and wider Soviets got the shit kicked out of them by the Nazis, with whom Argentina’s military sided. Argentina didn’t lose one man to Axis action in WWII. The Soviets lost around 23 MILLION, which is about two thirds of Argentina’s current population. The same losses in WWII would have left vast expanses of empty pampas, to be occupied by someone other than your lot, and well within the military capacity of the Falklanders at the time.

If anything should make anyone vomit, it’s Argentina being too weak to come out openly on Germany’s side in WWII and then turning on Germany and courageously declaring war on it when it knew Germany was beaten, and that Argentina was in the shit with the rest of the world if it stayed aligned with Germany.

Something else that would make me vomit, if I was a vomiting man which I ain’t, is you getting stuck into Egorka and Chevan at a nasty personal level you wouldn’t have even begun to think about tolerating before you got sacked as a mod while continually sniping at the current standards of modding and behaving intermittently like a petulant Latin cunt to demonstrate that the only failures of the mods are failures to rein you in and to demonstrate that you are allowed greater tolerance than anyone else would get but which you have enjoyed, so far, because of your long and great contributions to the board.

But so far as your vituperation against the Russians goes, I think you’ve gone a long way to exhausting the considerable goodwill extended to you by the mods. Who, admittedly, have failed to apply your magnificent standards, to the extent that GS and super mods don’t have to continually visit the board to fix up the fuck ups you routinely created during your reign, but which you see as a failure of modding while the rest of us see it as a board operating rather well with largely reasonable members and largely (being Nick before he started running again :D) reasonable mods.

You are trying to change subjet and turning the focus on me, but the problem here is not me, I am not the one who denies ww2 war crimes, or ridiculizate anyone who post information about it, like the higher educated eastern kommisar ( also know as egorka) and the rural leeser educated eastern junior NKVD adjutant ( also knows as chevan).

Argentina in ww2 is a good topic, but is other topic.

By the way you are wrong when you wrote the word “sacked”, I was not “sacked” but resign to my charge, that was already clarified several times but of course with your age… :roll:
The memory pills are those red ones, they are right there in your the bedrooms table, next to the viagra forte.

Last I heard Egorka had a Ph. D. and Chevan was an engineer. Even in Russia, which is well known for producing doctors of philosophy and engineers of such outstanding idiocy that they got Russia / USSR into space and solved the problem of writing in space before America knew what pencils were for, this suggests Russians aren’t completely stupid people. And, as their posts show, they’re rather well informed on a wide range of topics.

If you’re going to slag Russia / Soviets in a WWII forum, I don’t see why Argentina’s glorious WWII performance should be immune.

I know that, but I like saying you were sacked because it pisses you off.

You need to learn to rise above such obvious provocations. :smiley:

As for viagra forte, I take one every night. My bed doesn’t have side rails and I can’t afford a night nurse (and I wear out the day nurse every day :wink: ), so the pill stops me rolling out of bed. :smiley:

Really ? :rolleyes: I think the memory is failing and you dont want to tell about it, but Okay, let say I fell in your provocation.

My biasing is not against any russian performance in ww2 but a continue dennounce of this two brainwashed and brainwashing characters…who are…well…dont make start it again.

Wathever the member who is interested to discuss crimes with this two western world haters is already warned, dont waste your time.

so the pill stops me rolling out of bed.

That is not what the viagra is for, you are trowing away kangaroo dollars, check the topic “argentine top models” and youll have some ideas.:idea:

Um, you really need to learn to control yourself, this isn’t the forum to get the internets equivalent of road-rage on! Your puerile responses aren’t going to cut it. They don’t work for Comintern, which ceased to exist long ago, they’re not communists, and Egorka isn’t a bundle of sticks -so- you’re not going to be a martyr in your (fellow) Catholic and macho Latin mind. Despite the drunken rantings of one Rising Sun*, this is a semi-serious WWII site. Nonsense is obviously permitted and part of the fun (which is why we haven’t banned RS* yet :D): but purely sociable nonsense. But personal flaming abuse is not going to be tolerated here. If’ you’re looking for anti-Communist fight club, I suggest you take it elsewhere…

Wathever the member who is interested to discuss crimes with this two western world haters is already warned, dont waste your time.

That’s you’re opinion. Discussion is what we’re all here for.

And I’ve discussed and debated with them, and probably disgusted them as well, many times. If you don’t want too discuss things with them, then I suggest you use the ignore feature…

That is not what the viagra is for, you are trowing away kangaroo dollars, check the topic “argentine top models” and youll have some ideas.:idea:

I think you need to view that thread and take the edge off more than he does…

Thread temporarily locked.

Discussion will resume when people get a cooler head…

Argument split out to enable the reopening of the original thread. PK and Rising Sun, I STRONGLY suggest you do not post in the original thread for some time to come.

Guys , I was shocked with some post PZ’s here.
I puzzled what it was?
The pdf closed the thread, but i have to clear up the points.Becouse this contain not just personal insults but a simply PURE biased nonsense.

Firslty i want to notice PUBLICALY - neither me nor Egorka had/have no problems with Flamethrowerguy or with any other German here.We always have an interesting cognitive discussions about different themes.
So i have no any ideas WHY PZ is going to advise to Flamethrowerguy that stupid thoughts.

They will say nothing happen they will say all the crimes by the red army are an invention of “western propanganda”, they will say that you have a “cold war mentality” and so.
They have the same level of consideration towards civil casualties as a exterminator with a crockroach.

Everytime I read one their post i feel like vomit. Sometimes I wonder if there is many people like that russia…if so russia is doomed, and we too.

Aha ha ha ha:)
Everybody doomed:)
P.S. Don’t drink to much cheap beer that make you vomit then.
I definitely like when PZ is that much crazy:)
Yes, buddy - YOU personaly doomed
But is it the reason to start a PANIC?
I don’t think so. Lets do it silently.
Relax and enjoy boy:)
You unreasonable attack of me and Egorka is a Sign.
Early, you did never attack me without reasons:)
But now something has changed…
May be do you need some sort of therapy?

Sorry but the problem IS exactly YOU , now.
And RS is doing right focusing on you.
I suppose this thread was started in my thread about Nemmersdorf.( that initially was mentioned in Flamethrowerguy’s posts).It was seemed interesting for me so i started the discussion.
I like when PZ is going crazy or angry, he spreads the fun posts then.Usially he has not much of humor, so i have to apreciate any possibility to make fun with him.
I also very like when he is trying to PRs himself as ONLY High Educated person here, and all of rest are just “clowns” (i like especialy when RS react on him:))
But since our Agrentinian WonderKinder ( usialy known as PZ) while has not even added to the thread a single INFORMATIVE sentence , instead he is starting to insult Egorka;)
Don’t me misunderstand me gemtlemens.I m not going to continie the mutual insults here, started but our ,probably too irritative, friend PZ.
I just worry for him:)

This is about as intelligent as poking a tiger with a stick! I locked the last thread for a reason, and this is joining it.

As us “chubby dove hunters” in America say, “let sleeping dogs lie.” :smiley: The issue has been taken care of, so let’s not dwell on it.