
Seems to be one and the same jerk (idenitcal IP address:, both accounts were created the same day (June 14). He had his fun in the ‘Things Hitler could have done to win WWII’ thread by starting a dialogue with himself (edit: just saw he played the same game in the ‘america’s thoughts on war starting date’ thread which he started himself.
What are we going to do? Warn him or smash him right away? I’d go for the last option.

Although I was unaware of his split personality, I did see his thread on the starting date. I gave him a nudge about deportment, and after reading his other posts,I see that he is playing games.He seems to like to poke the Bear. if creating two accounts is a hanging offense, then get the rope.

I think one needs to be banned; and the other (“Sybil”) needs to be given a stern warning on expectations for continued forum participation…

Yep, normal procedure is to perma-ban one account and give the other a final warning - any similar infractions will result in the user losing all accounts.

Got 2 PM’s from him (them?):

Hello, this is my responce to you telling me that i have 24 hours to tell you which account i want to keep. I only have one account, i go to the same school as “Krazedkat” and i sit right beside him in photography class. I showed him this forum and he joined it. We joined it at almost the same time so i can see your confusion. We will stop talking to eachother about the topic on the forum if you wish, as you are staff. I would like to keep this account because i would love to learn more about world war 2 and other wars. me and my friend krazedkat are both sending you a message explaining this. and since we are at school, it is the same IP address.

Hope this helps


and by ‘krazedkat’:

You see me, Keith Petro, and my friend, Brandon Barr, both go to the same school in Canada (Saskatchewan to be exact). We would both like to keep our accounts, the reason our IPs are the same is that we commonly post at school. Sorry for some of his unintelligent responses and constant posting to my post, I shall tell him to stop that.

Sounds partially reasonable, are we buying it?

Yeah, that fits - the IP address traces back to a state school in Saskatoon. Additionally, pingponghobo has logged in from a home (cable) IP address while krazedkat has not. Need to keep an eye on them, but it seems legit.

While I cant say I’m convinced, I do notice PPhobo’s spelling has suddenly improved,which adds to my doubt.If he is being honest, He needs to understand that this is not YouTube, or some other adolescent hangout message board, where such foolishness is encouraged. It might be best if they were to make new accounts from their separate home computers. A good Birching wouldnt hurt either.

I’d say let’s wait and see. Seems they are telling the truth. Furthermore, I don’t see the point of creating new accounts, especially since they’d pick up the same IPs anyway, if they were to post at school

Well, if they’re for real than at least they learned to keep some discussions in the classroom and not here…

Me neither.

I got a faint whiff of a troll from krazy cat early on, but maybe I was being too sensitive. Less so with pingpong.

Time will tell.

I might help things along with some of my cleverly subtle :wink: challenges to what seem to be trolling statements.

These guys, especially pingpong, are posting just a bit too much to be as innocent as they (he) claim(s)…

Agreed, I have noticed that if one of them is responded to by another member, the other one may answer. the latest being in the" Afghanistan suffers" thread, posts #13 and #14. Additionally, writing styles are similar,usage as well. He (they) seem to view this as a playground, and are all contrite when called on it, but fail to change their behavior. Something I reminded them both of just a few minutes ago. I begin to wonder what type of “State School” they attend.

They spawn!

Different IP but it also leeds to this lovely Canadian place called Saskatoon.
I’m getting a feeling that we soon have the entire Saskatoon Grammar School (or whatever school they attend) rampaging the place…

…and more:

A herd of little nose miners, the site’s sign up page should display a graphic featuring Barney, stating “You must be this tall to join this site”

lol, that can be arranged! :slight_smile:

Well, here’s what we got concerning IP’s:

krazedkat: (which wpuld be the school terminal)




So, are we fooled or are we fooled?

Googling pingponghobo returns

Click on Cached (not main link) for the fourth link “Learn to hack” and see who’s listed a little over a month ago as the first and third online: krazedcat and pingponghobo.

I don’t trust these bastards.

Nor do I, seems they have a habit of playing games as a tag team, the activity on the hacking site tears it for me.

Me too.

My gloves are off from now on.