PK resignation!

I edited your post in the main forum because it was opinionated info that belongs in the war room.

Unless there are changing issues that can be concluded … I reluctantly accept your resignation and plan to make it effective towards the end of the week. I will allow you time to consider and make any suggestions in here regarding the management of the forum.

If you wish to still have access to the war room I would need good reason being that it would appear that most of your problems are with the present staff and management. I do not see why you would still want access but will discuss this option.

I do hope … you and the staff can bridge your differences and you will remain an active an supporting member or the site. Your conduct as a normal member is outstanding and I would hate to lose you.

Please confirm that you decision is final.



My fingers are bleeding of so many suggestion. My suggestion is always the same Stop that stupid rules about warnings and so. That will no happen so…:rolleyes:

And why you want me as Mod ?
If always my desissions going to reversed …You want me to play the fool here ?

Not anymore, No wonder Erwin lasted so long, nobody have balls to ban him. And by the way the problem is not you with you General.

Why don’t we have a three day cooling off period before we make any final decisions here so everyone is a bit more rational?

I actually think you will be better on the site as a normal member than a Mod. No hard feelings but it just didnt work out PK.

I dont think it will be a good idea for you to continue to have access to the war room though. No offence but I dont see what you an bring to the War Room except to state that the rules are all wrong because you cant ban guys whenever you like.

Get out there and enjoy yourself mate…

I concur. You’ve got a strong set of beliefs on how a forum should be run - and they probably work very nicely. Unfortunately this forum also has a set of rules that you aren’t able to change, and you clearly don’t feel comfortable enforcing them rather than enforcing what you think they should be. That makes modding far harder for you than for any of the rest of us, and it shows through in the problems you’ve had.

I actually think you will be better on the site as a normal member than a Mod. No hard feelings but it just didnt work out PK.

With you reversing all my actions it sure dont.

Unfortunately this forum also has a set of rules that you aren’t able to change, and you clearly don’t feel comfortable enforcing them rather than enforcing what you think they should be.

The REAL problem I believe is the in here there is a select club with privileges, one in wich you can open 3 o 4 account and nothing happens, one in wich you can call names to a moderator and nothing happen, one in wich a junior Mod can reverse decissision of a senior Mod and nothing happens, one in wich you can be nazi if you was banned a Mod wil stand for you…is crazy.

I sincerely hope that this situation dont explode in your hands. I ve seen many forums ruined for this.

Wathever …you fuze the bomb and now I would like to see if you are capable to defuze it. The entire situation make me vomit.

I dont want acces to the Mod room ( why should I ?) I dont want to have anything to do with it, Maybe in a future if Firefly is not longer Mod chief ( One might wonder what he is been chief about beside defending trolls) I might think in get back to work, but uinder the actual conditions…No f… way man !!.


I think that there’s quite a culture clash going on here. The rest of the mods are all from the various “Anglo-Saxon” countries, as are most of the membership. These countries have various traditions which I suspect are rather alien to you, and are clearly giving you issues. The most obvious is the “calling a moderator names” thing - for the Anglo-Saxon countries if probably not for the Latin countries, nobody is above having the piss taken out of them. Lampooning Kings, Presidents and Prime Ministers is kind of expected, so for the rest of us taking the mickey out of a mod is a complete non-issue.

Another is that we tend to follow the philosophy that “he who governs best governs least” - so unless we have to (spammers and the like) we tend to intervene minimally. Freedom of speech is very highly treasured - probably more than any other freedom - so we tend to follow Voltaire’s dictum of despising what they say but defending to the death their right to say it (quite literally in the case of those like myself and Firefly who are members of HM Armed Forces). This means we will tear the various Nazis to shreds when they turn up, but won’t ban them unless they actually do something blatantly against the rules.

As for the junior mod reversing the decisions of a senior mod, I’d say you were the junior mod in that situation. An admin - General Sandworm - had made a decision and you reversed it. Mistakes happen, don’t get too upset about it - nobody else has.

Id go with what PDF says there, makes sense.

Also, PK, you were also a Mod. All of the Mods here have the same status, there are no junior or senior Mods, just Mods…

As per his request…PK is no longer a moderator

Guys we need to keep an eye on PK for a few weeks, he wont be happy not being a Mod and may react negatively.

Wow! For the first time I missed a couple of weeks without prior announcement, and here it is!

Well, that’s it. Posthumosly for the fact, I fully agree with pdf here.

Well General at least dont run off in the future we can always use your input. However, from experience, I know the shit always happens when your not on the site. :wink:

/me scurries off to start comparing Dani’s IP address to our regular problem children :wink:

Now the dust has settled. Do we let PK keep his rank of Major or does he revert to the appropriate non-Mod rank.

I know its a silly point, but I have been asked this question, perhaps we can have some indication that his rank was for being a Mod.

And for the record I dont care either way.

It might even be his genuine rank - he’s at over 4,000 posts which has to make him pretty high up the tree anyway! Probably best to have him at the appropriate rank for his current status though - Dani is higher than his posts would justify, but he’s an ex admin rather than simply a mod.

LOL He’s basking in his martyrdom to its fullest…:slight_smile:

:wink: Sorry General, it was an unnoticed trip half a globe away. In the future I’ll anounce all depatures (or at least I’ll try to)

:smiley: oh pdf, didn’t I told you yet that I use proxy-servers from cn and kr? firefly could check this in the other mod cp (God, I even forgot its name… it was centuries ago…) :smiley:

Allright it seems that I missed an event. Back online eventually.

Sorry for Nick. I didn’t expect PK to insult you though. On the other hand George might check his PM. I received (I don’t know, maybe as a blind carbon copy) 2 messages from him to 2 users regarding ww2 related avatar issue. Maybe a software glitch, maybe a bcc, who knows…
Cheers lads I missed you all.:wink:

To make the transition easier and to not hear complaints he will keep the rank of Major. Hence the shift in ranks. Plus the rank numbers I had were a bit odd anyhow. Also gave some good news (promotion for Chevan) after a bad situation. So to me it was a win-win-win-win situation.

Im cool with that.

Seems like PK has begum his melt down then… Lets nip it in the bud, good work so far but lets not give him a soap box to stand on!