Please take our survey.


I’d like to invite all our site members to take the following survey. Our online advertiser requires a minimum of 200 surveys per year, so that it can include in better advertising campaigns.
Filling out the survey is of course optional, but would benefit the site greatly in terms of covering costs, such as hosting, if it can be included in those better campaigns.

Thank you for your time!

That was… Interesting. And short… Only about 7 questions…

That was quite short, and were really conventional questions.

If it helps the WW2 in color site then why not?
and yes it’s short and useful!
Best combination ever!

Short, but useful for us.
Though I think I see the slant in the questions.
“The way the question is asked says as much about the enquirer as the answer the enquirer is seeking.” “C”: Sir Maurice Oldfield, to Magaret Thatcher, circa 1980.

Regards, Uyraell.

Nice survey…
So, how much per year do you, guys, make?

I took the survey, and was honored to do so. This site is the Best and the survey should have asked how we feel about our Mods and I would have given a 15 out of 10 for the answer, cause its so true!~

Thank you everybody!

It was a bit embarrasing to admit I expend nearly 20 hours a week in internet, but the fact is most of the navigation is work related, I havent that much free time. :rolleyes:

Dam right!..and don’t forget the people that make this site so great!..I’m not mentioning any names, (to avoid being labeled a suck-ass) but their names could start with P and N and R…but then again, maybe it doesn’t. All I can say is that it takes Great people to make a Great Site! God Bless this Forum!:mrgreen:

Hi There.

I want to take the survey,but i’m not sure!
What do the head chiefs do with the information? I don’t like my informatio goimg to the head chiefs so they can decide if they like me or not.
Or is it a friendly survey?
Sorry if i sound rude,just curious;)

Thanks in advance.

As mentioned, the survey isn’t really for me, but rather to the ones putting the banners on this website. If they have information on their visitors, then they can better target banner ads, which also means higher earnings for WW2incolor to cover server costs, market the site more etc.

Well, i guess I’ll take it a second time, then :smiley:

Actually please don’t do that. Once is more than sufficient.

Too late… hope that it doesn’t make any problems?

Then all of a sudden the site just disappears from existence from your ignorance lol jk I’m sure it will be fine.

just don’t fill it out a third time. :lol:

So far the survey has been filled out 67 times. If you haven’t done so please take 5 mins to fill it out. We require a minimum of 200. Thank you!

Lol, really that’s the total amount of people who actually stay active on this site.

More than that filled it out. :slight_smile: