Police: He Beat, Carjacked 91-Year-Old Vet


WXYZ.com has obtained the mugshot of the man police say savagely beat and carjacked a 91-year-old World War II veteran. The attack was captured by a security camera, shocking video first aired yesterday on WXYZ.

Police arrested 22-year-old Deontae Edward Bradley in Warren last night, just hours after the video first aired.



Wayne County Prosecutor Kym L. Worthy charged Deonte Edward Bradley, 22 of Detroit in connection with the violent assault and carjacking of 91 year old Detroit resident Leonard Sims that occurred at 8:35 p.m. on May 4, 2007 in the parking lot of the Stop and Go Liquor Store located at 3206 W. McNichols.

Mr. Sims parked his 2005 Chevy Malibu in the parking lot of the store. Mr. Bradley asked Mr. Sims for a light for his cigarette and allegedly punched Mr. Sims multiple times in the face and neck. Mr. Bradley forced the keys from Mr. Sims hand and then hit Mr. Sims in the face and used the car door to knock Mr. Sims down on the ground. Mr. Bradley drove away in the vehicle. Mr. Sims was assisted by citizens at the scene who called police.

After an investigation by Detroit Police Department and the Violent Crimes Task Force Mr. Bradley was arrested on May 10, 2007.

He has been charged with Carjacking, which carries a penalty of up to life in prison; and, Assault With Intent to do Great Bodily Harm, which carries a maximum penalty of ten years in prison.

“Is there really any reason to beat a 91 year old just to take his car?” said Prosecutor Worthy. “Carjacking is bad enough but there was absolutely no reason for him to brutalize one of our senior citizens to accomplish his criminal goal.”

The arraignment will take place today at 5:00 p.m. in the 36th District located at 421 Madison Avenue in the City of Detroit.

Oh to be in the same cell with this kid !!!

well lets discuss the “citizens at the scene” in the video of it one car up who didn’t do shit to help the guy…

WTF has to go wrong with a person to beat a 91 year old man! If you going to be criminal I could understand the car jacking but there we no call for beating someone who is pretty much defenseless. Sick…as well as the those ppl that stood by watching.

Agreed ! I believe the by-standers were with the car jackers, and if so, face charges of accessory after the fact due to their inaction. worse if they are complicit in the act itself. In the United States, carjacking is a felony, subject to special penalties. Anyone stupid enough to commit such an act, and be caught on video, will be moving into the striped sunlight suite at the Gray-bar hotel. - Raspenau -

they weren’t. he was just there with the short chick he went into the liquor store with.those folks actually did call the cops but that’s still no excuse for standing there doing nothing while a 91 year old catches a beat down…but there were 4-5 of them and the carjacker was only like 5’9" and 150…so i don’t get why they didn’t help…but then again,it is detroit…

the problem is that there is a segment of society here in the US ,of every racial type, that thinks that the world owes them something for just walking around and breathing.given that detroit has some of the most stringent gun laws in this country, it creates an environment where only the criminals have the tools to force their wll on people…but then this guy didn’t have a gun either…soooo what was the crowd’s problem again?..oh yeah,they don’t want to take the time to be involved…

I see your point. My computer does not have sound, so the video i watched showed the bystanders just watching the whole thing, so I guessed they were all there together. They could have driven this guy off, but as you say, it is Detroit. I am happy that the victim survived the assault and appeared to be doing well. I also expect that when the perpetrator gets to his new home in prison, some of his neighbors will welcome him with the same enthusiasm.

Here is the latest on this story…they had Ol home’s in court today, he said to the court that he’s afraid for his life, of getting hit, and has had threats from prison…now isnt that Karma for you what goes around, comes around. Now thats a nice ending to a story.

Well ppl note doing anything seems to be a national pastime. Dont know if you have ever seen Boondock Saints…but the story the tell in the beginning is real about Kitty Genovese
