Polikarpov Po-2, grounded. - Soviet Forces | Gallery

Polikarpov Po-2, grounded.

Po-2 Soviet general purpose biplane (nicknamed the "Cropduster") shot down or crash landed, under German guard. This was the main aircraft used by the all-female Soviet "night witch" squadrons in their night attacks on forward german installations. Their usual tactics were to fly low and, a few hundred metres from the target, cut engines and take the final attack run on the glide. The engine silence, combined with the whistling of the air between the bracing and strutting of the biplane wings, could apparently be most unnerving for the target Germans. There was usually no difficulty in restarting engines for the return to base - the Po-2 was a very tolerant aircraft. Best regards, JR.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/soviet-forces/37437/polikarpov-po-2-grounded.

Very courageous squadrons!Must be very unnerving to cut your engine in total darkness with so little room for error and then to perform flying manoeuvres AND attacking at the same time.Real heroine stuff