Polish Army on the Eastern Front

“After bringing into light the Katyn massacre and breaking off the diplomatic relations with Poland (April 1943), Stalin decided to organize Polish armed forces fighting at side of the Red Army. These troops emerged without the approval of the legal authorities of Poland, most of the commanding personnel were Soviet officers, the political officers recruited from the Polish communists but ordinary soldiers were Poles deported in the years 1939-1941 to the interior of the Soviet Union, and from the spring 1944, also the inhabitants of the Polish Kresy Wschodnie (Eastern Borderlands). Though its origin was not legal, and it played a significant role in imposing the communist system in Poland later on, the Polish Army fighting on the Eastern Front contributed a lot to the Polish military effort. From a single division (1st Tadeusz Kościuszko Infantry Division, commanded by colonel Zygmunt Berling) eleven-thousand-people strong, which began to form in May 1943, it expanded to one-hundred-thousand-people-strong army in July 1944, and at the end of the war it amounted to more than 330 thousand soldiers formed in two armies with all land forces arms (infantry, artillery, engineers, tanks and different supporting troops).
This army’s baptism of fire took place at the battle of Lenino (Belarus) in October 1943. In July and August 1944 the Polish troops fought at the bridgeheads on the Western Bank of the Vistula River, and in the battle of Studzianki the Polish armored brigade fought its first battle against the Germans. In September 1944 the Polish Army attempted at helping the insurgents in Warsaw – unsuccessfully and with great losses. From January 1945 it participated in the great Soviet offensive: in February and March it fought a dramatic battle to break the Wał Pomorski (Pomeranian Position – the highly fortified German defense line) and capturing Kołobrzeg (Kolberg), a Baltic seaport transformed into a fortress; the Polish troops fought at Gdańsk and Gdynia, and also by Zalew Szczeciński (Bay of Szczecin). The crowning of the combat route was participation in capturing Berlin. In the entire operation took part 180 000 soldiers from the 1st and 2nd Polish Army, and in the assault in the downtown of Berlin an important role played the 1st Tadeusz Kościuszko Division. It was the only military unit besides the Red Army that stuck its national flag over the ruins of the German capital. Polish troops reached the Elba River and got in touch with American units. In April 1945, the 2nd Army forced the Nysa River, then fought in the region of Dresden and Bautzen, suffering great losses. Its combat route it ended in May in Czechoslovakia. In battles against the Germans on the Eastern Front participated also some Polish air units (however, they consisted mainly of Soviet pilots).
From the battle of Lenino till the combat over Elba and in Saxony 17 500 soldiers were killed, almost 10 000 were considered to be MIA. The most casualties cost the fighting in Pomorze (Pomerania – 5400 killed and 2800 MIA) and in the Berlin operation (7200 killed and 3800 MIA). Because of the combined nature of the Soviet and Polish actions it is difficult to estimate how much damage the Poles inflicted to the enemy. Some partial data is available only for a few battles: at Lenino 1800 Germans were killed, wounded or taken prisoner, in the tank battle at Studzianki the Germans lost 20 tanks and self-propelled guns and 1500 soldiers, at Wał Pomorski 2300 killed. In Berlin the soldiers of the Kościuszko Division captured four subway stations and took prisoner 2500 German soldiers.
The Polish Army fighting in the East was the greatest regular military force fighting at the side of the Red Army. Its combat route lasted for almost two years, adding up to 1000 kilometers. It participated in different and important activities: forcing rivers, capturing cities, attacking fortifications, pursuing enemy troops. Its share in victory was paid dearly.”

By: Andrzej Paczkowski
Paweł Sowiński
Dariusz Stola


I want to put some pics of the polish JS-2 tanks in action…but my scaner did not work today.

Nice info by the way.

Thanks Kovalski , good info.

After bringing into light the Katyn massacre and breaking off the diplomatic relations with Poland (April 1943), Stalin decided to organize Polish armed forces fighting at side of the Red Army. These troops emerged without the approval of the legal authorities of Poland, most of the commanding personnel were Soviet officers, the political officers recruited from the Polish communists but ordinary soldiers were Poles deported in the years 1939-1941 to the interior of the Soviet Union

But honestly speaking , i strongly doubt that gang of cowards and adventurists in London was the “legal authorities of Poland”. Certanly Stalin used the situation to force “brothers” polish people to take the “right” (communists) way. This was a cynical act, but in that cruel time this was a normal situation. Each country tried to use war way instead of diplomatic.
For example, Britain used “liberation” of Sout-Asia countries in 1945 against national-patriotic forces (like in Birma). They were needed “old britis colonis” - not free stites.
Chirchill “sold soviet Poland” for “british Greece”. D. Ruzvelt sold poles for help in fight againt Japan. The cynicism was the normal phenomen on that time.
Now we are know, the communist Poland - was a big mistake, but nobody knew it 60 y. ago.
I wonder how do the Poles deported in the years 1939-1941 to the interior of the Soviet Union take active part in Red Army. THey must be in hate to the russians.

It was legal goverment of Poland. As other goverments of states, which were attacked and taken under the occupation by Nazi Germany and Soviet Union, Polish goverment in exile was a legal continuation of pre-war authiorities. And calling them a gang of “cowards and adventurists” is at least uncalled-for.

It was rather common for all the soldiers, that they were extremely unhappy, that they had to fight under Soviet command. Personally, I have never heard about some acts of hostility against Soviets, but it could be possible. We need to remeber that poilsh army in the Eastern Front was organized according the same rules as the Red Army was. So all NKVD instruments were present in polish units, and soldiers were absolutely aware what would happend if they have made something against Soviets. Especially when almost all of them spend some time in NKVD prisons and later in gulag.
The polish baptism of fire, which took place in October of 1943 in battle of Lenino, was in fact a slaughterhouse for polish 1st Infantry Div. In cooperation with Soviet 290 and 42 Infantry Div. polish division was supposed to provide a probe attack towards german positions. When poles involved themselves in heavy fight, they suddenly discovered that there is no any of supporting soviet divisions. The reason was that they couldn’t break through german positions. So Poles had were left on their own and had to face german counterattack.
Poles after two days of alone fight withdrew.
502 dead,
1776 wounded,
663 MIA.

Hi Kovalsky,

Did you notice unusually high figure for MIA? 663. More than KIA.
Usually in attacking army MIA are less than 10% of KIA.

Lenino battle is shrouded in mystery. In reality it was not even near Lenino… nearest village was Polzuchy, but Lenino sounded “good” as propaganda.

There was one attempt to tell a bit more about the battle in communist Poland:

Read here: http://movies2.nytimes.com/gst/movies/movie.html?v_id=151068

General Berlings memoirs were banned.

I had once link to German Die Deutsche Wochenschau reels, which show 400 deserters from 1-st Polish Kosciuszko Division… (It gone with my last HD…)

I was amazed hearing that some of this deserters were Jews…
Obvious German propaganda? Maybe someone has got more info? or this link? - it was French site…

I don’t think these soldiers hated Russians, they hated NKVD and politruks.
NKVD was always behind them - nothing strange to any soviet unit. They were treated as any soviet division.

Looking at maps of Lenino battle I don’t see any significance… Front after this battle stagnated for many month. No strategic nor operational or even tactical value…

Perhaps soviet command decided to get rid of mostly anti-soviet element in this division?



OK. I understand, this is the personal matter of poles who was called as its government.
But i have a personal point about the Polish goverment in exile:

They were cowards…
…Because they leaved Poland 17 september 1939 when polish soldiers still fighted against germans.
As the comparision, Broz Tito in Ugoslavia never leaved the country, continuous to fight germans with. Stalin was never leaved the Moscow even in 1941 when germans was in 17 km from the capital. Hitller died in Berlin.

They were stupid…
…In 1943 when Hoebbels “find the criminal of bolsheviks” in Katyn (by the strange way germans nothing finded till 1943 when situation in eastern front was good fo the nazi). And what did the Polish goverment in exile?
They were turned to Red Cross to hold the “independent investigation” together with nazists.
Hitler even didn’t dream about such gift from poles in London. He finded any possibility to destroy anti-nazists alliance USA-Britain-USSR.
Obviously, in 1943 when the fate of the war was in map, Hitler find “polish friends” in London. This was worst political provocation, which Polish goverment in exile easy swallowed.
Britan and US was exasperated such polish politics. Winston Churchill angrily noted about this in its work :“Second world war”

They were the adventurists…
…When they understood they could lost the power in Poland they decide to “accelerate” the Warsaw uprising 2 august,although the Red Army was still far from the assault of the city.
They excellently knew that after Katyn Stalin was hostile to London’s poles and he never supported this upgising. But they decide to take the power themself. As the resault 200 000 perished mostly civil poles.
They refused any soviet attempts of interaction with AK till uprising, but when they losed , they blamed the Stalin that he didn’h halp them.

I personaly, very sensitive to murder of slavs. I understood it when i watch on tv the civil victims of Serbian in Prishtina in 1995. I can imagine what did the germans (exactly “police” batalions under command of Dirlivanger) with poles in Warsaw, this was the real genocide.

… When poles involved themselves in heavy fight, they suddenly discovered that there is no any of supporting soviet divisions. The reason was that they couldn’t break through german positions. So Poles had were left on their own and had to face german counterattack.

Dear Kovalski ,this look like “evil russians send the poles to die”. Certainly this bullshit. You forget that in battle for Lenino were killed 1711 soviet soldiers also. And they can’t supported the poles because they were also involved in heavy fight.
The resaul of the battle was the positive, Red Army with 1 Polish Division took the inmortain tactical place (the heigh 716.43).
Many polish and soviet soldiers were obtained the awards for this cruel battle. TWO POLES BECOME THE HEROU OF SOVIET UNION.

P.S. Today in Lenino is the memorial and every year polish, russian and belorussians veterans are meeted here.


Hi Lancer.
Now we can to see as as the gossips be born…
If you don’t see any significance of the Battle for Lenino, this isn’t that you are great Strategist. :wink:
How do you think , could the germans lost 1500 killed if this battle hadn’t any significance?


Look at the whole Eastern Front. Lenino battle was very small, insignificant battle of basically one division. Nothing even to mention in daily reports of Moscow Radio.

Ther rest is propaganda and more propaganda over many, many years.


Thanks for reminder, 17 of September 1939 is the date od soviet invasion of Poland… In my opinion the most significant date in modern European history -Russia, soviet Russia again moved towards West… intentions were obvious…

Poland was brought on the map of Europe after 150 years of non-existence, thanks to Russia…
Polish intelligence was very well aware about 17,000 tanks behind eastern border.
The only way of preserving continuity of Polish state was to move government to friendly country. It was Romania. Very close France and Poland friend.
Polish government found asylum in Romania and continued it’s existence as different political entity, with General Sikorski, Polish Prime Minister in France. Polish Army was formed in France.

Chevan, you are from the nation which put 800,000 people fighting alongside the Germans against Stalin’s regime! .
What right you have to say that Polish legitimate Government forced to exile by soviet aggression at 17 of September 1939 was "coward:?

Please give me the facts! Communist propaganda always ommitted 17-th of September aggression of Soviet Union - blatant violation of Polish-Soviet non-aggression Pact.

Mate, are you an FSB propagandist? Are you are trying to brainwash normal people?
Your version of history is already in the garbage bin!

NKVD did the job. Soviets did not even manage to put the case through Nuremberg - RUSSIAN NKVD MURDERERS WERE BEHIND IT!!!

Nonsence propaganda…

Battle of Lenino is propaganda crap!

Chevan! If you are so good, please find me more about 400 deserters from Polish Division at Polzuchy — Lenino!

Lenino never existed! POLZUCHY WAS A TARGET!!!
Battle of Polzuchy was typical for the Eastern Front - 3000 casualties for
2 to 3 divisions for one day of fighting…


Writing in all capital letters doesn’t help to prove anything.

Dirlewanger Brigade was your country man! Dear Chevan! Russians and Ukrainians! 100% of them!

Cool, now Russians are responsible for Warsaw slaughter. What next?

So, shut up, and don’t talk about Warsaw Uprising! You Russians don’t have a right to talk bad about Warsaw Uprising, because there exist many documents and proven facts about Stalin’s refusal to allow American planes landing at soviet airfields to refuel and go back to Brindisi.

Don’t have a right to talk? Does it mean that you have no arguments to defend Polish govt in exile which thrashed 200000 lives in completely crazy affair?
BTW, what relation american planes had to poles in Warsaw?
Polish government ignited an uprising in Warsaw hoping that in some fantastic manner rebels would defeat German army and took away Poland from evil grasp of Stalin in same time. What were they smoking when they thought about such brilliant idea? Definitely not tobacco. Even in their twisted logic this operation was impossible: they’ve thought about Stalin like evil overlord - then even after defeating Germans the rebels would need to defeat Red Army, no? How?
And when rebellion was crushed by Germans (no wonder), who they blamed? Stalin:shock:

Um, the fact that Stalin halted the Red Army advance is a widely accepted fact of history:

Battle and Betrayal (From: “Remembering the Warsaw Uprising.” Hoover Digest. 2004, No. 4, Fall Issue.
by Maciej Siekierski)

The Home Army offensive began in the afternoon of August 1, 1944. The uprising was expected to last about a week and was seen largely as a “mopping-up” operation. This turned out to be a miscalculation. The Germans decided to make a stand and defend “fortress” Warsaw as the Soviets halted their offensive. The uprising lasted not one but nine weeks, turning into the longest and bloodiest urban insurgency of the Second World War. Despite an initial success in liberating most of the city from the Germans, the tide soon turned against the Home Army. The strength of the two sides was disproportionately in favor of the Germans. The Home Army had at its disposal about 40,000 fighters—including 4,000 women—but no more than 10 percent of them were armed, mostly with light weapons. The Germans had roughly the same number of soldiers, but they were heavily armed, with tanks, artillery, and planes…

The Warsaw Uprising failed because of lack of support from the Soviets and British and American unwillingness to demand that Stalin extend assistance to their Polish ally. The Soviet advance in Poland stopped on the Vistula River, within sight of fighting Warsaw. Stalin had broken off diplomatic relations with the Polish government in exile when, in the spring of 1943, it asked the International Red Cross to investigate the killing of thousands of Polish officers at Katyn. The Polish officers were prisoners of the Soviets following its 1939 invasion of Poland in collaboration with Hitler. The Soviets tried to pin the blame on the Germans and did not admit the April 1940 summary executions of at least 21,000 Polish prisoners until some 50 years after the fact.

Simply put, the Soviets had no interest in assisting the Home Army to liberate Warsaw. The Soviets were planning to annex the eastern half of Poland, first occupied in 1939 under the provisions of the Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement, and to exercise control over the rest. The Western Allies had secretly agreed to these points at the conference in Teheran in December 1943. The Poles suspected the worst from Stalin, but they had confidence that their British and American allies would keep Soviet ambitions in check. This turned out to be a complete miscalculation…

Source: http://www.militaryhistoryonline.com/wwii/articles/WarsawUprising.aspx

Unless of course you’re a mindless apologist.:slight_smile:

:wink: :slight_smile: Nazi’s ally Romania was a “very close France and Poland friend”.
I see that Poles was able to choose the “good friend”. Warsaw - Romania- Paris - Londog this the real great “combat way” for fighting gov. in WW2

Chevan, you are from the nation which put 800,000 people fighting alongside the Germans against Stalin’s regime! .

They were traitors. Some of them were actually fascists ( or russians nationalists) on the persuasion. But majority simply tried to survive in the Fascist camps (as you know the condition for the soviets war-prisoners were the much worst than for americans or britains.)
They naive thought that Hittler could let them to bild “free Russia after the war”.

Mate, are you an FSB propagandist? Are you are trying to brainwash normal people?
Your version of history is already in the garbage bin!

Aha , i’m FSB propagandistn
I want to recruit you :wink:

Dirlewanger Brigade was your country man! Dear Chevan! Russians and Ukrainians! 100% of them!

WRONG , mate :frowning:
Dirlewanger Brigade was the gang of criminals, mostly from the German prisons.
You confused it with Kaminski Brigade.
Kaminski brigade was created in 1942 by germans in Ukraine.

…Initially this military formation, created in 1942 by B.B. Kaminskiy and appeared on the german’s side , was called the Russian liberation People’s Army (RHONE). It consisted in essence of the Ukrainian volunteers (6500 men). More lately there was assault brigade SS “RHONE”, and then it was re-formed in 29- yu grenadier division SS “RHONE”. In 1944 it was transferred into Poland. The majority of divisions SS exceeded on the cruelty. Thus, only on 5 August, 1944, the soldiers of division shot not less than 10 000 Polish innocent civilians. It is disbanded to 1945; the part of personnel is directed to the army of Vlasov, while part supplemented the numbers of the 30th division SS (Belorussian).

This was a very cruel mans (remember about UPA).
This wasn’t my country man! Dear Lancer.
They were the bas…ds.
Soviet soldiers shooted them without the any questions. And this was absolutly right!!

shut up, and don’t talk about Warsaw Uprising! You Russians don’t have a right to talk bad about Warsaw Uprising, because there exist many documents and proven facts about Stalin’s refusal to allow American planes landing at soviet airfields to refuel and go back to Brindisi.

If i would not know you sufficiently well, you would obtain to reciprocal roughness.
But i just to say that i have full right to speak the point, if it even unpleasant for you.
In August 1944 Britain and US tried to fix the airlift for the rebbels.
They discarded from a high altitude to parashute foodstuffs and weapon. But parashuty flew too far way under the action of wind . One British pilot recalled that of 1000 parashutes only about 20 burn hands of rebels. Furthermore union aviation suffered the perceptible losses, during one day were biased 12 aircraft.
Obviously it was necessary to stop this “support”.
But Britains an Americans
searched the convenient political reason to stop the the disastrous air deliveries. And Uncle Joe helped them. He “refused to grant to them the Soviet airfields”. Nice friend.
If Britain or American indeed wanted to help , they could land parashytes division of the Englishmen and Polish volunteers and try to save Warsaw from Stalin’s hands.
But they did not make this. Why?
Because already at the end of August Germans delivered in Warsaw several tank divisions including elite “Herman Hering”. They easily would destroy any alles landing.
Absolutly obviously, without active interaction with Red Army Warsaw Uprising was the real adventure. But London’s poles even didn’t try to do it.
As exsample Rokossovski (commander of russian army near Warsaw) learned about rebel 3 day later from army’s reconnaissance.
Instead of they demonstrated hostility to the Soviet army.
Of course Stalin could to sacrifice 30 000 ore 50 000 soveit soldiers for attemp to save of hostile polish AK. But i , personaly don’t see any reason for that.

Winston Churchill in “Second World War” wrote

…The Soviet Army could not arrive to the aid to poles from the first days of uprising, since Soviet command not was set in the reputation about the prepared uprising, but to render rapid assistance after its beginning was already impossible.
Troops of the 1st and 2- Belorussian front, that acted in the Warsaw direction, conducted offensive from 23 June and passed with combat more than 500 kilometers, after sustaining significant losses. Rears remained, and for organizing the offensive time was required to troop regrouping and supply with all their with necessary for the new offensive. (study of the reasons, which prevented rendering aid to Warsaw, it continues.) Therefore only from the end of August, after ending offensive in all other directions, rate ordered the 1st and 2- mu to Belorussian fronts to be opened to Warsaw.
After heavy it is combat the Soviet parts on 14 September they mastered Prague - the suburb of Warsaw on by right to Vistula coast. On the night of 16 September Soviet troops and 1st Polish army boosted the Vistula, but they did not be able to be held on its western shore: to be opened into the region, retained by rebels, did not succeed. Soviet and Anglo-American aviation discarded to rebels weapon, foodstuffs, equipment, but forces they were too unequal. On 2 October uprising was depressed

As you can to see every country want to “picture active help” to Warsaw uprising, but nobody want to do it seriously.

Nonsence propaganda…

Battle of Lenino is propaganda crap!

Lenino never existed! POLZUCHY WAS A TARGET!!!

Mate , propaganda crap is in your head.

…In the Goretsk’s area of Mogilev region today passed the celebrations on occasion of 62- of anniversary of battle near Lenino. For the participation in the measures by special train arrived the Polish delegation, in composition of which it is more than 100 people. These are the former participants in the battle near Lenino, the relatives of those be killeden, the representatives of the present troops of Polish, public organizations and young people,

Say to 100 polish veterans that Lenino never existed , clever boy.

Battle of Polzuchy was typical for the Eastern Front - 3000 casualties for
2 to 3 divisions for one day of fighting…

For one day of offensive.
Germans had much the casualties also.
Don’t forget thet Eastern front absorbed 80 % german infantry .
And do you think how many soldiers losed Aliies for one day of Ardenn fight.


:wink: :slight_smile: Nazi’s ally Romania was a “very close France and Poland friend”.
I see that Poles was able to choose the “good friend”. Warsaw - Romania- Paris - Londog this the real great “combat way” for fighting gov.[/quote]

Mate, once again: Romania was a very close friend of France, Poland and the British Empire. Due the fact that in 1940 was invaded by the Soviet Union shortly after the fall of France, Romania was forced to find new friends in order to take back the territories lost to the Soviet Union.

So stop trolling and learn some history (even if you don’t like this kind of history…)

O mein got , Dani :slight_smile:
I knew if i just write the word “Romania” you will appeare.
Mate, may i will not “learn some history” because every time when you advise me to study a history , i learn someting worst about Romania.

Here we have a hot discuss with my polish friend and i would not want “to change the plate”.
But if you want ,please , i can to consider your funny version about Romanian’s “close friends”.

Anyone can accept everything, but what then? I’m aware of general western point of view about Red Army, Stalin and so on. BTW, if you really want to know history and not another load of ‘horrible things about Red Army, Stalin and USSR’, you can always read works of professionals and not some amateurish propagandists. Everyone can write a story about Good and Evil, but it will be zero historically accurate. Real history, not propaganda, is unbiased as possible. Try Glantz for example. Real facts but no scary stories about comissars and so on, sorry.

Now about text you referred.

“Battle and Betrayal (From: “Remembering the Warsaw Uprising.” Hoover Digest. 2004, No. 4, Fall Issue.
by Maciej Siekierski)”
:mrgreen: Fitting title, especially considering name of author:))

“The Germans decided to make a stand and defend “fortress” Warsaw as the Soviets halted their offensive.”
Even in first part of the text there is actual answer to question about why big ugly Stalin did not saved rebels. Reason to any halt of any offensive - decreased offensive capability of attacker finally met increased defensive capability of the defender. Soviet offensive lasted several month non-stop already and it is no wonder it ended not far from large city behind not-so-small river wich was ferociously defended by Germans by order of Hitler with elite divisions including SS. Situation was similar to last battle of Charkov when Soviet offensive liberated city and then was driven back by SS units before final assault. And in that case Russian soldiers had MUCH more motivation to fight and die for - Russian city wich was held by fascists for a long time instead of just another Polish city, many of which they’ve liberated already.

“The Warsaw Uprising failed because of lack of support from the Soviets and British and American unwillingness to demand that Stalin extend assistance to their Polish ally.”
Oh, reeeally? :slight_smile: Allies could not demand help from Stalin? Who could ‘demand’ anything from Stalin anyway?

“Simply put, the Soviets had no interest in assisting the Home Army to liberate Warsaw.”
What a brilliant mind of a genius wrote this sentence…

“The Western Allies had secretly agreed to these points at the conference in Teheran in December 1943. The Poles suspected the worst from Stalin, but they had confidence that their British and American allies would keep Soviet ambitions in check. This turned out to be a complete miscalculation…”
I think that confidence in Allies was the last thing Poles should had after enormous help they’ve received from them during September 1939. Polish govt in exile should keep THEIR ambitions in check - there was another legal Polish govt already formed. Bastards in London sacrificed all these Polish people because they feared for their precious power wich was already lost in 1939.

Maybe you are right. Poles were naive.

Your understanding of “legality” is strange. “…there was another legal Polish govt already formed.”
“Legal” communist government which governed Poland until 1989?
Where it’s “legality” come from?
In normal democratic countries government prove it’s legality by free elections. Communists never allowed free elections or rather once in 1989 and they lost.
Every communist government in every country of Central and Eastern Europe occupied by Soviet Union was legal only because of soviet army granting it’s existence.
Please understand onece and forever - there was no “liberation” of Europe but simply change of occupation.
Nazi occupation was obviously murderous and prolonging it would lead to extermination of all Slavic nations - no doubt about it. But it was also more honest than soviet occupation - simply speaking Germans were enemies and never tried to portray themselves as friends.
Soviets however were always “friends”. Even in 1956 in Budapest, 1968 in Prague, always this choking “friendship”.

Simple fact, that all countries occupied by “the only rightfull and worlds best workers paradise country”, right after the last liberators disappeared from their soil, declared access to NATO, should tell you Sneaksie, how liberators were loved.
Accept simple facts and do not call London government in exile “bastards”.
It was Poland’s legal government - not NKVD agents in Lublin.


Yes, God forbid a Pole write about Polish history. Lest the Russians do it for them.:rolleyes:

And of course a gov’t that murdered 40,000 Polish officers would be incapable of intentionally slowing an offensive in order to prevent any Nationalist Poles from surviving the War thus making it easier to install a puppet gov’t.

This thread again drifted into off topic.
Let’s go back to Polish forces on the Eastern front.
Here you can see German propaganda archives:


No need to register. Click as guest and in search type “polnische legion”.
You’ll see short, 1.16 min fragment from German newsreel about POWs or rather “deserters” from famous “Lenino battle”.



No , lets the Americans do it for them :rolleyes:
Really, they know the “true”.

And of course a gov’t that murdered 40,000 Polish officers would be incapable of intentionally slowing an offensive in order to prevent any Nationalist Poles from surviving the War thus making it easier to install a puppet gov’t.

Hi , mst. Hoebbels.
Wy just 40 000 , this is not actual number today. Let will consider 400 000. This much better. :rolleyes:

Mate, come back in 1945.
Lets consider Greece after the WW2.
How do you think was the pro-british election “free”?
Mst. Churchill “sold Poland for Greece” to Stalin.
Or was “free” counties of Sout-Eastern Asia in 1945 after “liberation” from japanes.
Do you hear something about Birma or Vietnam . How dou you think who wiil won the election if it was really free?

Every communist government in every country of Central and Eastern Europe occupied by Soviet Union was legal only because of soviet army granting it’s existence.

Mate , you perfectly right , if it consider in focus of modern situation in the Near East.

Soviets however were always “friends”. Even in 1956 in Budapest, 1968 in Prague, always this choking “friendship”.

This was the Cool war which every time could grow to HOT Nuclear War.
If ideological “friendship” don’t like you , use please other thermin “fight for democraty”.
By the way, if you went in Algire in 1951 or in Vietnam in 1968 you could know much more about “friendship”.

Simple fact, that all countries occupied by “the only rightfull and worlds best workers paradise country”, right after the last liberators disappeared from their soil, declared access to NATO,

They were dissapeared their soil and some of them had the civil war , becouse native nationalists want it and the West strongly helped them .

It was Poland’s legal government - not NKVD agents in Lublin.

This was NKVD agents in Lublin - not British spys from London.