Polish Carpathian Lancers Monte Cassino

Hi there everyone,I am new to this site and I was amazed when I was researching about the Polish Carpathian Lancers when I came across an old post from Lancer44!..had posted a photo of his fathers Monte Cassino Award document which had the medal numbered as 38416…in my possession I have an award document numbered 38411 which had been awarded to a Zygmunt Kozlowski,who immigrated to Australia also and resided at Cairns,Qld.I attempted to re-open THE thread ,however I don’t have the privelige Office doping do.I hope I May contact lancer44 to reopen the thread or receive a response.I will post pictuures shortly as I am curious if the two soldiers immigrated at the same time And if I could possibly learn new information about the men.The original post was from 2006…hope to hear from Fellow enthusiasts!

I can’t find the thread you’re talking about. If you paste a link here, I’ll gladly reopen it for discussion…

Hi,the thread is captioned"What happened on this day!"…and is in 2007 archives…I can’t quote the URL as I am on an IPad at the moment.Thanks.By the way is there a chance you can inform lancer 44 about this !

I can’t find anything via search, you’ll need to provide a link. Lancer44 hasn’t posted here in five years or so, sadly. I don’t what happened to him, but believe I’ve tried to contact him outside the site via email to see if everything was all right with no luck…

The thread… www.ww2incolour.com/forum/shorthread.php?3601-What-happend-on-this-day/page3

Um, the link doesn’t work, even after several variations…

It works for me and takes me here, not that it advances matters much.


Maybe you can find what you’re looking for in Lancer 44’s posts

or threads started by Lancer 44.

I found that I went through google,then images,when images showed up I moused down to the 13th row and there was an image of a soldier on the right hand side.Click on the image and it will open up onto the page we are trying to access.This was on my IPad,however,it shows up as the second photo as expected on I’d card