Polish Cavalry 1939

What do you think about Polish Cavalry 1939?

18 pulk ulanów

I’d like more information on how they were used during the German invasion. A common misconception seems to be that they charged the Ost Heer panzers using their lances as they were told that German tanks were nothing more than cardboard mock-ups on tractors…

But I’ve read that this never actually happened…

Read an account of a one Polish Cavalry charge, September 1939:-

Last Great Charge of the Polish Cavalry.

The assault by a Polish mounted brigade against a column of infantry and motors - …


It did happen but not the way we know.
Basically, a cavalry unit was moving out of a forest and ended up in front of some german tanks.They had no choice but to confront them although they knew it was hopeless.So they didn’t charge them on purpose but with the idea to escape.I think I’ve read this story in “to lose a battle ,France 1940” by Alistair Horne.
Also interesting ,it was the first time in Poland that a German Flak unit used the famous 88 for ground targets while they were surrounded by a Polish cavalry unit.

That’s a pretty-wide open question, Szczurek. Can you be a little more specific?


There are plenty of sources that suggest the 88 was used in anti ground and anti tank roles when in service with the Condor Legion in Spain.

Which sources?

No matter,I had it confirmed by another forum.It’s nice to know I am less stupid than I was yesterday.
Thanks for the info.:wink:

I’d say better informed, no implication you were stupid. “Knowledge not shared is lost”. I learn on here every day.

Something about Polish Cavalry you can find in this tread:

http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4076 :wink:
