Polish Military

Since we now have a Polish member I thought i would start a topic on whatever people know about the Polish Military of WW2.

I don’t know much about the Polish forces other than the fact they faced the Germans with cavalry and they fought bravely in the air and on land but stood not a chance :frowning: Other than that they had their own squadrons in The RAF which fought in the Battle of Britain

Few words about Polish unit in RAF:

Polish Air Force in UK have 15 Squadrons. 300,301,304 and 305 was bomber squadron. 302,303,306,308,309,315,316,317,318 was fighter squadron. 307 was night figter squadron.

In Battle of Britain was fight 4 polish squadrons. Two bombers 300 and 301. They bomarded french ports which landing toops. And 2 figter 302 and 303. Additionally in other squadrons RAF was figting 50 polish pilots. 303 was most effectiv squadron in all RAF. Pilots fom 303 Squadron was shoot down 126 enemy plane. In all BoB polish pilots was destroyed 203 enemy plane and damage 36. In BoB was killed in action 33 polish pilots.

North Africa in 1943 was figting Polish Fighting Team. High effectiveness very quickly earned them a “Skalski’s Circus” nickname. Between 28th of March and 6th of May PFT shot down 25, probably 3 and damaged 9 enemy planes

In campaigne in Italy was service 663 artillery observation squadron.

I know there were Polish Airborne troops that preticapated in Operation Market Garden. They landed just shy of Arnhem. They where supposed to help with the captureing of the town but by the time they landed they were used to help save what was left of the British 1st Airborne which had been torn to peices by the German Army.

Good flick is a movie called “A Bridge too far” Gene Hackman plays the Polish Airbore commander and does a good job at being pissed at the British planning and execution of Operation Market Garden. It looked good on paper but was a complete failure.

The weak point of Poland was Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. After the German invaded the Poland, the Red Army hit Poland from back… Soviet and German have a victory parade in Varshava together…

Oh how ironic is that. :smiley: Considering what happened later. :?

Yeah. :slight_smile: Very ironic. The Poland was a key for Stalin to invade Europe. After making a pact Stalin was jumped from happines an cried to Molotov “We are lied Hitler!” (that was only one known of SUCH emotions of Stlain, he was very quiet man) After making the border with German Stalin was order to destroy all defence constuctions and began to concentrate forces at the border… But he is late… And “magnum opus” of his whole life was broken…

Soviet and German victory parade was in Brest Litovski.

Really? Hm… Strange… I have two source of info that was parade in Varshava… Maybe both is wrong… Don’t know, I’ll must find some more sources. Anyone have a url’s to photos of that parade?

small pic from this parade.
I have few pic from this parade but you must wait that I scan that pic

Don’t forget that they started to work on enigma machine before the Brits.

Soviet and German victory parade was in Brest Litovski.[/quote]

Thats what i was thinking but wasnt quite sure. There was something with that town at least … final conclusion to the Polish campaign or something.

Very strange. I try to find information myself, but get some STRANGE results. I find a new sourse, that parade was in Varshava, two sources that parade was in Brest… I can’t trust the russians sources in that… That’s understandable. Russia and German, tried to hide this fact and that was easy with their regimes…

As I know it was parade both in Warsaw and Brest.

Good pics, Dani

Thanks FarraoN! :smiley:


As I know it was parade both in Warsaw and Brest.[/quote]

Excellent pics. About locations… Hm, that explained me a differense of sources. Thanks a lot.

You’re welcome!
It seems that it was also a third parade in Lwow.

German Soviet parade was only in Brest.
In Warsaw was only German parade ( Hitler was on this parede).
In Lvov was only Soviet parade.