Polish new fighters

These were 2 fighter planes which were planned to be produced by polish before the WW2.
The first one: PZL-50 “Jastrzab” (“Hawk”) was designed by Wsiewolod Jakimiuk.

The prototype was built by fall 1938 and took off in February 1939.

The basic version was supposed to be armed with 4x 7,92 mm machine guns and 100 kg of bombs. The II version’s armament - addtional 2 cannons and 300 kg of bombs.

Engine: I ver. - Bristol “Merkury” mk. VIII (840 horsepower), II ver. - Bristol “Taurus” III (1145 horsepower). Max. speed - 450-500 km/h.
The only flying prototype was mistakenly shot down by polish AAA on 5th of September 1939.

The second one was PZL-62, but the war stopped the design phase just after 4 weeks.

The prototype was planned to make it’s first take off in 1940.
Armament: one 20 mm cannons (Hispano-Suiza) and 6 or 8 7,92 mm machine guns, 500 kg of bombs under the wings.
Engine: Hispano-Suiza 12Z (14–1600 horsepower).
Max. speed: 640-700 km/h.

All images were taken from: http://www.samoloty.ow.pl/

Good info Kovalski i’d never heared about own polish fighters.
I think PZL-50 was too slow for the effective fight with Me ( 450-500 km/h)
But PLZ-62 look very serious.
Excellent aerodinamic form and engine. I like it.

And speed 640-700 is very good for the 1940.


Before WW2 almost all plane in first line was built and designed in Poland.
Few links about polish planes use in september campaigne

Poland was to receive a Supermarine Spitfire I in 1939 for trials. The war prevented that, and that Spitfire I went to Turkey instead.

I believe the plane that the Poles ordered in 1939 was a Hurricane, not a Spitfire. I also remember that the Poles didn’t get the plane because of the war–I think I read this in one of the books profiling the Hurricane, but I can’t remember. Unlikely the British would have sold a Spitfire in 1939–the British held back Spitfires solely for the defense of their home soil as late as 1940–the air component of the BEF in France had only Hurricanes for fighters.

Off topic…
I am sure our Polish friends will apreciate this… :slight_smile:


Interesting: whether Polish cavalry ever actually charged tanks on horseback seems to remain controversial. Based on what I’d read and pieced together from various sources (wikipedia is a leading source, so beware.) it seems to have been a mixture of exaggeration and propaganda: Guderian’s autobiography brings it up, among other places, but that seems to be an apocryphal statement, rather than a literal, factual claim, intended to emphasize the advanced nature of panzer divisions, not so much that they were in fact engaged in actual shooting combat with Poles on horseback (I wonder how it reads in the original German); it seems to have gained a life of its own as others have seized upon it, whether to emphasize Polish foolhardiness (German) or courage (Western allies), or irresponsibility of Polish leaders (both German and Soviet), etc., even though, it appears, there had never been a recorded instance of Polish cavalry attack on German armor. Truly an interesting instance of how myths are perpetuated in history.

With the exception of fast armoured vehicles and radio, the early phase of WW2 was very similar to the latter end of WW1. And there were a number of highly successful cavalry charges in late 1918…

I’m not claiming there were no cavalry charges per se–there was a famous cavalry charge by the Cossacks allied with the Germans that mauled a Soviet division on Christmas day, 1944, for example. But, I’m referring specifically to cavalry charge against tanks, which is depicted in the picture.

There were no charges of polish cavalry on german armor.

These kind of facts were created by german propaganda after the clashes between german tanks and polish cavalry units equipped with AT weapons.
But some people will never accept that :wink:

P.S. Egorka, you little provocateur, I’ll teach you a lesson one day :slight_smile:

That’s right. There was NO CHARGES WITH SABRES (cause lances was not liked, and only couple of brigades was using them in few numbers) ON PANZERS. It’s only German and Soviet propaganda. There was only couple of charges in September 1939, about 20 or so. Couple of time of course, after storming on RESTING infantry (officers thought, that charge on infantry is a suicide) tanks was showing from nowhere, like Charge at Krojanty. And then, cavalry was charging over that tanks but only to escape, that was more successfull than turning back etc. And during that retreat it might happen, that in heat of battle uhlan cut through panzer armour. But not like it was shown in movie titled “Lotna” (1959) where uhlan was cutting barrel of a tank like an idiot. But that was a PRL (The People’s Republic of Poland) propaganda about pre-war incompetence of goverment. In fact, to destroying tanks, cavalry was using one of the modern anti-tank cannon Bofors 37mm. And they was very mobile.

http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=nwsI9ulko60&feature=related - here you can see one and only proper charge of Polish Cavalry (and one of the best in polish cimenatographic) from “Hubal” (1973).

And here something more about our cavalry (with songs from that times :wink: ):




Cooooome on! Je ne suis pas un provocateur russe maléfique! Je suis en pettite fleur sauvage… :roll:
Just shearing internet stuff…

Awaiting for a lesson! As Lenin said: “Study, study, and more study!

Is this better?

  1. Return of the Poniatovsky monument to Warsaw:

“Polish Prometei”, 1831.

Nacis “Cossacs” or any other colloborators NEVER won the battle with Red Army.You probably mean one of the Nazis Propogand issue about “succesfull fight agains Bolshevism” - the most top invention of doctor Goebbels in 1944.
Actualy the “Vlasovs ROA” just ONCE have been used in battle against Red Army in 1944. They even started the attack , but have been crushed and soon retreated becouse Germans has not provided them with Artillery support.
After that “sad offensive” the ROA never be used in battles against regulary troops.
However you have a point , even the Mainstain in his memours wrote thet Red Army Cavalry was probably most mobil and effective force in Partisan warfire.This brought many problems for GErman infantry in 1941-42.
I doubt the Poles send the Cavalry right on Germans panzers.But in fact Cavalry can be effective force if to know how to use it right.

I agree with you.
The Cavalry armed with AT rifles ,Light guns and Mashin-gun can be very effective.
Strange Nazis NEVER portrayed the Red Army Cavalry in that stupid posters( like direct attack of panzers).
Firsly becouse they suffer a lot from Cavalry during the entire war.

P.S. Egorka, you little provocateur, I’ll teach you a lesson one day :slight_smile:

Mate , you have not teached even me how to behave myself right here :slight_smile:
I still friend of you , but not that Polish stupid politicans who spread the Ruso-phobia for their domestic aims…

And in Warsaw Uprising, Germans used… horses as a shield to attack Polish positions. But finally, after shooting starts, horses turned back in panic and ran over attackers. :wink:

And in Warsaw uprising Poles used children as fighters? Like on your avatar?:wink:

Nope, childrens want to fight by themselves :wink: Noone told to 11 years old boy “Hey, you, come over here” they just volunteer. And basicly they was carrying ammo, orders, mails etc. Rarely on 1st line, but, by their own will if so. :wink: That was war, and they want to do something too. Does in Berlin childrens doesnt fought with Soviets? I’m just asking because i really dont know :stuck_out_tongue:

And on the avatar, actually, thats me :smiley:

Yea Hitlerjugeng with PZfausts were ready to die in Berlin too.
So i think you right in Warsaw even some teenagers wanted to help their Polish adults.

And on the avatar, actually, thats me :smiley:

What is it the uniform?The German helmet i see.