Polish officer 1938 - Polish Forces | Gallery

Polish officer 1938

In the picture: Polish officer in a full dress during the shooting exercise. Taken in pre-war Poland. Bóg,Honor i Ojczyzna, komandos10

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/polish-forces/39558/polish-officer-1938

Looks like the classic position taken by duellists in still earlier times.Turning the body in such a way that you show the smallest target for your opponent.How different from the two handed grip most used today :wink:

In a stadium. Possibly a training for shooting gallery competition?
I was noting that apart the very traditional Polish cap and patches, the uniform shows a German style. It was told to me that Polish army abandoned the rogatywka, I hope this not is true…

Fortunately,the rogatywka is still in use - but mainly on parades and to outdoor purposes, especially by generals and the Honour Guard. Such hat is very beautiful but on a modern battlefield rather unfomfortable. That’s why common soldiers don’t wear them. They use berets instead of it.