Polish officer - Polish Forces | Gallery

Polish officer

A Polish officer wearing a formal uniform wz.19.In his hands he has the "VIS" wz.35.It was based on American "Colt 1911".The Polish pistol was one of the best during the WW2.The Poles managed to produce about 50 000 pistols .They were used by the Polish Army and the State Police.Ater 1939,the Germans produced another 300 000,and gave it a signification: the "Pistole 35(p)"

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/polish-forces/28912/polish-officer

in 1939,a German soldier was really proud after gaining a pistol like this one.

I think Vis var based on FN HP not on colt. One of the beter pistols of that time, but y think "one of the best" is litle over estimated- there is no inovative or other exceptional features in this gun, like in the FN HP, or Valther P 38, thei vere the best designs of that time, foloved closely by the Colt 1911.