Polish Rebel 1944 - Colorizations By Users | Gallery

Polish Rebel 1944

Polish Home Army fighting against Nazi German forces occupants during Warsaw Uprising 1944. It was Gentiles uprising against Nazis. Big part of Nazi Germans made huge number of crimes against Jews civilians and Poles civilians during war in Poland. In photo: Polish armband (white and red) and Polish submachine gun Błyskawica "Lightning" (caliber 9mm) made in Poland.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/colorizations/19338/polish-rebel-1944

Very good imi, really brings it to life! did they wear armbands for a reason, or just patriotism? (probably stupid question)

Probably for both reasons which was useful since they were equipped with german uniform parts and head gear oftenly, his cap should be a german one too.

Thanx.I don’t know too much the polish army or the rebels