Polish resistance in WW2

For all interested in history of whole polish resistance (not only Warsaw Uprising)


First to fight.

Unless you care to count the Chinese :wink:

I belive that Armia Krajowa took the slogan from this poster:

but you are absolutely right pdf, the Chinese were real “First to fight” :wink:

I don not think the poles who were first to fight even in Europe.
Remember about Spanish civil war ?
The first war in Europe withthe pro-fascist powers.

Umm… arguable. There was sporadic fighting between the Japanese and Chinese starting in 1931, although general war started with the Marco Polo Bridge incident in 1937. The Spanish Civil War started in 1936 but was over before the start of WW2 and apart from a few “volunteers” Spain didn’t participate.

Thinking about it, it had two of the five sides in WW2 in it. European Fascists and Soviet Communists took part (if unofficially) but the Japanese, Western Democracies and Chinese didn’t take part. The Japanese invasion of China only had two sides in it as well, but at least there you could argue that there was continuous fighting until VJ-day, and all five sides were eventually involved.

Chevan, I could have bet that you answer immediately. :slight_smile:

Officially from the beggining of WW2 - 1st of September 1939, first man who killed first Nazi German soldier, who shot down first Nazi German bomber, blew up the first Nazi German tank, was polish.
The slogan as well as polish poster refers only to WW2.


Hi mate nice to see you’ ve back;)
Sure you right OFFICIAL beginning is 1 sep . However from this point The China’s resistense also has no connection to this thread;) Coz they fought with the Japanes far untill the 1939.
BTW did you ever know but even the Soviet who fought with japanes in 1937-38 in Halkin-Gol aslo UNOFICIALLY entered in the war;)

Yep, and slapped the Japanese silly in the process :twisted:

Please decode wat does it mean?:twisted:

Beat them so comprehensively that the Japanese looked like fools for even thinking about attacking in the first place.

Not sure i/ve understood you correct:)
However the batles of 1937 in Mongolia and in 1938 in Halkin-Gol were enough massive - from both side had fought over 50 000 of soldiers.
The Japanes did not look like fools - they has a good military plan - to invade the Syberia;)

Hmmm. Fascist Europe and Soviet Communism - sounds great, but who were the Western Democraties?:smiley:
May be you mean the Old British Colonian Impire and the USA where rascism on the state level was the reason of biased relation for the negros at that time;)
I think only Australia could be called as democraty :wink:

Just kidding…

Kovalski wrote: I belive that Armia Krajowa took the slogan from this poster:

Yeah… First to fight

On the 26th of January 1934 Poland and Germany signed non-agression treaty for 10 years. On the 4th of November 1935 Germany and Poland signed the agreement on economic cooperation. For the suppression of “dissidents”
( mainly people of Ukrainian and Belorussian origin suspected in illoyality to Poles) under the initiative of the Polish minister of interior affairs and the direct participation and consulting of German “specialists” the networks of Polish concentration camps were created. These consentration camps were the most vivid example of Polish-German cooperation and the evidence that Polish policy followed the one of German Nazi. One of the first of such concentration camp was built on the 12th of June 5 kms off the town of Bereza Kartuska ( the modern Brest region of Belarus ). This camp was the exact copy of the the German concentration camp of Orienburg. The Polish official Kostik Bernatskij was in charge of the organisation of this camp.

In 1938 after the Munick agreements Poland secured the consent of Germany
and occupied the Teshinskij region of Czechoslovakia and so stabbed at the back of the Czeck army units and paramilitary groups of Ukrainian and Czeck nationalists who were really first in Europe to fight against Nazism when resisting the regular army of Nazi Hungary that had invaded Czechoslovakia.

To my mind the Spanish Civil war was just a civil war, an interior conflict between Spanish political rivals for power even in spite of foreign meddling.
It did not exceed the Spanish borders and can’t be viewed as a war against pro-fascist powers. Besides the frankists can’t be considered so much pro-fascist as Spain under their ruling never sided with Germany in WWII and kept official neutrality.

Ummmn very interesing point Kato;)
I knew about Polis-Nazy agreemets of 1934 ans 35.And all we knew about capturing of the Chech’s Teshin area in 1938 together with Hitler.
But the Comcentration camps in the in Poland in 1938 :slight_smile:
Where did you get this infor?
So you have to say thet the Poland indeed was the first agressor of WW2;)

Ummmn very interesing point Kato;)
I knew about Polis-Nazy agreemets of 1934 ans 35.And all we knew about capturing of the Chech’s Teshin area in 1938 together with Hitler.
But the Comcentration camps in the in Poland in 1938 :slight_smile:
Where did you get this infor?
So you have to say thet the Poland was the first agressor of WW2;)

Particulary agree.
However i disagree that it was pure inner Spanish war - There were too much of the Voluntaries from other sides.
For instance the sovie’s pilots who fought frankists aviation on I-152/16 in Spain.
BTW Kato when WILL you LOOK IN YOUR Personal Box. Just read sometimes Private Messages in TOP RIGHT corner of screen.:wink:


The fact about Polish concentration camps is not new either.
I simply tried to translate the passage about Polish concentration camps that is mentioned here


However this fact is absent in the English version of the article as well as Polish-Nazy agreemets of 1934 ans 35 and capturing of the Czech’s Teshin area in 1938 together with Hitler.

I think that Poland was one of the first aggressors of pre-WWII period alongside with Germany and Hungary, it participated in the Hitler’s aggression in Czeckoslavakia when occupied Teshin area in 1938.

But thie fact about Polish concentration campd EVEN don’t mention in the Ukraine Wiki
So how could we believe the Russian pro-Putin/KGB/Communists WIKI in this way;)

However this fact is absent in the English version of the article as well as Polish-Nazy agreemets of 1934 ans 35 and capturing of the Czech’s Teshin area in 1938 together with Hitler.

I think that Poland was one of the first aggressors of pre-WWII period alongside with Germany and Hungary, it participated in the Hitler’s aggression in Czeckoslavakia when occupied Teshin area in 1938.

You are uncorrect here.
English Wiki indeed wrotes about Teshin area, but not in the the article that you linked.

In October, 1938, after the Munich Agreement, which ensured British and French approval, allowed Germany the right to take over areas of Czechoslovakia with a significant German minority, the so-called Sudetenland, Poland similarly demanded that Czechoslovakia give up the Cieszyn area, inhabited by a significant Polish minority. Faced with an ultimatum, Czechoslovakia gave up the area (about 1% of its territory), which was taken over by Polish authorities and annexed by Poland on October 2, 1938