Polish soldier from Vilnius - Posters Artwork Documents | Gallery

Polish soldier from Vilnius

In July 1944,the Polish HOME ARMY decided to retake the Polish city Vilnius which was under the German occupation.The whole action was called "Burza wileńska".The Poles had to fight with German elite forces.With the help of th USSR they managed to retake the city.Unfortunately,after the war ,Vilnius didn't come back to the motherland,to Poland.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/art/28958/polish-soldier-from-vilnius

O a nice one. You write this you self? Then please ansver me, which elite german units vas stationed in Vilnius at that time?

And please cut that nacionalistic polish crap about Vilnius nad motherland and etc. Zaolzie vas also very important in polish history, that it vas so kindly acepted after munich treaty vith germany?

the Poles didn’t have any agreement with Germany in 1938 when it comess to Zaolzie…I think a German man Such as FTG or Schuultz can explain it to you…or just read the books