Polish weaponry captured by Wehrmacht - Polish Forces | Gallery

Polish weaponry captured by Wehrmacht

Captured Polish weaponry. Poland, September 1939

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/polish-forces/32609/polish-weaponry-captured-by-wehrmacht

This picture and the previous one in the same color was taken about on 10 IX 1939 after the capitulation of “Radomian Cauldron”.(Germans called that place of tough combats but I don’t know if the word “Cauldron” is suitable-in Poland we say “Kocioł Radomski”,which means a tighted place of tough fighting.“Cauldron” is my own translation.
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Morover,there’s a film played by the Germans after the capitulation of the Polish troops and when you notice,you will see those scenes shown in those two pictures:
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<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71h06jRDQLs”>Kapitulacja “Kotła radomskiego” - Bitwa pod Iłżą 1939 </a>