Por la Gloria de Dios (?) - Other Forces | Gallery

Por la Gloria de Dios (?)

Francisco Franco, head of the Spanish Nationalist proto-state, (?) early 1937. Franco's rise to the top of the Nationalist heap was less than an obvious, let alone inevitable, development at the start of the Spanish Civil War. At that stage, he was regarded as a largely apolitical figure. He was, however, recognised as one of Spain's bravest and ablest officers. He was also perceived as lucky, an impression that was hardly reduced by the fortuitous death of a leading potential rival, General Mola in a (suspicious) aeroplane accident. A further advantage was that his faction (masterminded by his brother-in-law, Ramón Serrano Súner) proved much better at managing relations with the much-divided ideological factions of the Nationalist tendency, and with the Germans and Italians, than any other potential rival. Correct me if I am wrong, but this has the look of a contemporary-colourised 'photo. The medal prominently on the left breast is the Medalla Militar with Bars; no mere honorific decoration, these honours were won by Franco for courageous service during the (almost incredibly violent and costly) Rif War, a colonial war fought by Spain (and, for a time, France) against the Rif people in North Africa. I am not clear about the significance of the green-and-white sash - perhaps a Spanish friend might be able to enlighten me ? Best regards, JR.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/other-forces/44640/por-la-gloria-de-dios-()

On Wikipedia there is a picture of Infante Carlos, Count of Molina wearing the same sash. He was the first Carlist claimant to the Spanish throne. Since the Carlists sided with Franco during the Civil War; maybe they awarded him this decoration? I know their relationship was not always harmonious though, so this is just a guess.