Poteau - Posters Artwork Documents | Gallery


SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 1, Poteau, December 18th, 1944. The soldier is armed with an M1 carbine.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/art/39148/poteau

So what is it about this Poteau ambush that makes it so popular? I’ve tried to research it, but I couldn’t make out anything extraordinary about, just seems like a successful ambush.

From my aspect not the facts are popular but rather the photos which were made after the ambush (of course the German propaganda said that the photos were taken during the action). You know, the famuos Waffen-SS soldier who weras American raincoat, smokes American cigarette etc…

Nice picture . Which publication did it come from ? Any copyright issues ?