Hope these are not silly or stupid questions but may posts here shows very interesting, detailed, in-depth and perhaps obscure information, hence the following questions:

What was the average or most likely fate of the POWs capture by: USA, Britain, Germany, Russia and Japan?
Was it the same if capture by the Army, Navy or the Air Force?
I’m referring to regular POWs not, spies, informant, etc.
Besides Germany and Japan, does the USA, Britain and Russia have “skeletons in the closet” in tregards to prisioners?

prisoners of war the germans torurted the pows theere were evil

i wouldnt want to be a pow in japan or germany

Browsing the web found this:


the question is too big, like how one country would have treated POWs would be sufficent.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Talking about pows,when an officer got caught he got treated differently from the privates. If i can recall he may got hes own room.
Thats if he got caught by the Germans and not Jewish.

That’s an interesting point. How did the Germans treat POW’s that were of Jewish ancestry? I guess I mean would they have asked about something like that after you became a prisoner? And if so, was it off to the concentration/death camps?

Actually they wouldt have too ask if they had jewish ancestry.
They go by how you look.Most of the soilders would have those kinds of papers at home anyways.

I doubt it was about how one looked. There are some pics in the pic site of German soldiers/officers of Jewish decent and they look like “normal” Germans. Also, look at Israeli’s nowadays compared to say Palestinians or Lebanese, not a whole lot of difference (i.e. hair color, skin color, etc.)
And, did the Allied governments have your race listed on paperwork that soldiers carried? That the Germans could use against you?

When you get caught as a private,youre A POW.
But they also rounded up celvilens in Germany and other western countries.
How did the Germans knew that those celvilens where Jewish?.And not all of them were dobbed in either. They must of had speical papers.

I can tell you personally that AFTER the War, if you were a German that belonged to the SS and you had that silly SS tattoo…you would be shot on site…thats what my Opa told me cause one of his cousins was killed this way after the surrender…probably by a Partisan…but they saw his SS tattoo and that was the end of him…

Some German Guards after the war,try too past them selfs off as jewish prisoners, the fear of being murdered.Yes i believe you.

Well, to be honest, perhaps the bastards deserved it, but when you hear it’s a family member, you sorta feel remorse. I use to think it was cool to see my family in WW-2 pictures, especially the cool SS outfit of one of my distant reletives, , but when you mature and read up on the War, and discover the atrocities, you feel ashamed and never tell anyone or show them your old black and white photos as you know the person you show them too will think your an A-hole nazi german for having relatives that are German…thus only in cyberspace like a forum like this can you say what it is…It’s like at work we had a bet on who would win the Fifa World cup that ended 6 mths ago…and all I could hear from people was how they hope the Nazi’s don’t win…I mean, none of the soccar players were even born until after the 70’s so why call them Nazi’s when they are Germans…seems like prejudices never die…oh well, thats my 2 cents.

[ul][li] Did Russians repaid many times over for bad treatement of Russian POW’s by Germans?[/li][li]SS deserter on The Eastern Front[/li][/ul]

Not all Germans were bad in ww2. When i look at a German i dont see Nazi at all. I knew you had German blood.Was he in one of those fancy unifroms?
Any one that was born in Germany after ww2 have nothing to do with nazi,but people can be crul.wow where were you born?

Careful on that one, aly.

Maybe Hitler run to Japan hehehe.

God help someone who would want to emulate Hitler.:roll: These are like the no-brainers in the modern pic section of the pic site (if the pic is still there). Yeah, and what IS with the Japanese war flag in the background.

Since it is by law prohibited to show any insignia of the Third Reich in Germany these guys switch to any alternative related to their idols.

Ah…Okay, I get it now, thanks! Didn’t think about that.