Pre World War II Photos of the 11 FA at Hawaii

“I have a few Pre World War II photos of the 11 FA at Hawaii from my father. These are early color, but interesting. If you are interested I can scan them in and post them tomorrow.”

I posted this earlier, I am new to much of this. I was able to scan the photo easier than I thought I would. I have a black and white of a Mule Unit in a Dress Parade for the Secretary of the Treasury in 1937 at Schofield. I will post it later on.

My father was in the 11 Field Artillery at Schofield from 1937 until 1940 at which time he was Honorably Discharged. He immediately enlisted in the 11 Bombardment Group 7 TH AAC and served until 1945.

Welcome to the forum PA. Dutchman :slight_smile:

And thank you for sharing your father’s story and photographs from WWII. Very interesting and in color too.

All the Best,


Thank you very much. I have a number of early Field Artillery pieces, but they are in black and white. I will try to post the Mule Unit for you now.

I thought I had posted this gun position. Here it is now with the names he had written on the back in 1937/38

I can post it if anyone wants to see them. The 11 FA had a very complete and formal Dress Parade for the Sec. of the Treasury that President Roosevelt appointed.

The Mule Unit was a part of it but there is a flock of Carrier Pigeons as well in flight as part of the parade. I have that photo too if anyone wants to see it.

Is that a 155mm G.P.F. Gun (Coast Artillery)?

You may have already seen the following web pages before:

Battery A, 55th Artillery, CA.C.
Hawaii 1938-1941

Coast Artillery Corps Weapons
155mm G.P.F. Gun
The 155mm Filloux Gun

No I did not see that link. Thank you so very much!

Here is a complete photo of the 11 F A in 1937.

My father is photo one, the top row, the sixth from the end.

Those are great photos. Did your father experience the attack on Pearl Harbor?

How about the Christmas Menu/Program and Unit Photo for the 11 F A for 1938.

Thank you George, I have never felt so welcomed at a site as I have here. There is soooooo much history, it is unbelievable!

Yes he did, I have an Interview he gave our son for a history project years ago. It is in several PDFs, I can forward it to you if you like.

On the original cassette tap my son is interviewing his grandfather, my father, in the living room. Then he mentions to my son that on Saturday night they would go into town to pick up the girls.

My mother was doing dishes in the kitchen and you can hear her say “BUD HE DOESN’T NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE GIRLS IN TOWN ON SATURDAY NIGHTS!”

I found this in his service items. He is with two girls in Hawaii, this was several years before they were married or even engaged.

That sounds interesting :slight_smile:

Nice pic and cute story, it made me think of an old US Navy veteran (WW2) that I worked with years ago. He had been at Pearl Harbor and used to tell us “ain’t nothing cockier than a sailor in his dress blues on a Saturday night” :wink:

Pearl Harbor Facts & Trivia

Did he drink the vanilla extract from the mess hall too? My father had a World War One Vet in the group who would sneak the vanilla extract when he could not afford a beer.

Thanks PA Dutchman, this is very interesting and very rare material. Considering the scarcity of colour film in those years, your fathers photographs are indeed valuable historically.


Here is another Christmas Program for 1937, the other was for 1938.

This is a program from the Organizational Day Celebration of the 11 FA in 1937 and the 1937 Thanksgiving Dinner Menu that was printed on their napkins.

Class Cards for the 11 FA

11 FA CARD2.jpg

Christmas Midnight Program 1937 Schofield Barracks 1937

These are two photos of the 41 ST. Coastal Artillery Unit for the 1937 Dress Parade welcome of Major General Drum.

41 ST. C.A.passinginreview.jpg

This is the firing range for the 11 Artillery at Schofield in Hawaii in 1937



