Priller and Kurt Tank - German Air Force | Gallery

Priller and Kurt Tank

Oberstleutnant Josef 'Pips' Priller and Focke-Wulf's chief designer, Kurt Tank on an unknown airfield, most probably Northern Europe. September, 1942.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

The story goes that Priller and his wingman Heinz Wodarczyk got drunk the night before D-Day and that they attacked the beachhead still intoxicated.Popular believe is also that they were the only Luftwaffe pilots attacking the D-Day beaches.Other scources mention Herbert Huppertz as his wingman during the attack.
However it was they were not the only ones,a bomber unit of Kampfgeschwader 54 is believed to have made several attacks on the British beaches.
Not always easy to know what went on in reality and what became legend.
That is a story

Luftwaffe ground-attack units were also active over Normandy on 6 June 1944:

  • Two FW 190 pilots of I./S.K.G. 10 were over the landings at dawn on a reconnaissance mission, and claimed four Lancasters shot down.

  • The FW 190s of III./S.G. 4 were active against the landings on D-Day, flying three missions in the late afternoon. III./S.G. 4 claimed two direct hits on 400-ton landing craft off St. Aubin at around 17:40.