Prominent Russian Reporter Shot to Death

Saturday, October 7, 2006 3:31 PM EDT
The Associated Press

MOSCOW (AP) — A journalist who chronicled Russian military abuses against civilians in Chechnya, garnering awards and accolades from around the world, was found shot to death Saturday in her apartment building. Prosecutors believe her killing could be connected to her investigative reporting.

Anna Politkovskaya, 48, was found dead in an elevator in the building in central Moscow, police, prosecutors and a colleague said.

Prosecutors have opened a murder investigation, said Svetlana Petrenko, spokeswoman for the Moscow prosecutor’s office. Investigators suspect the killing could be linked to her work, Vyacheslav Rosinsky, Moscow’s first deputy prosecutor, said on state-run Rossiya television.

Rosinsky said a pistol and bullets were found at the site of the crime. The RIA-Novosti news agency, citing police officials, reported that Politkovskaya was shot twice, the second time in the head.

The ITAR-Tass news agency reported that work was under way on a composite sketch of the attacker based on footage recorded by a security camera at the building. The assailant, believed to have acted alone, wore black.

Politkovskaya was well-known for chronicling the killings, tortures and beatings of civilians by Russian servicemen in Chechnya in reports that put her on a collision course with the authorities but won her numerous international awards.

“People sometimes pay with their lives for saying out loud what they think. People can even get killed just for giving me information,” Reporters Without Borders quoted her as saying at a press freedom conference in Vienna in December.

She also wrote a book critical of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his military campaign in Chechnya, documenting widespread abuse of civilians by government troops. And she was a persistent critic of Chechnya’ Moscow-backed Prime Minister Ramzan Kadyrov, accusing his security forces of kidnapping and torturing civilians.

“Whenever the question arose whether there is honest journalism in Russia, almost every time the first name that came to mind was Politkovskaya,” said Oleg Panfilov, director of the Moscow-based Center for Journalism in Extreme Situations.

He said Politkovskaya had frequently received threats, and that a few months ago, unknown assailants had tried unsuccessfully to break into a car her daughter, Vera, was driving.

In 2001, she fled to Vienna, Austria, for several months after receiving e-mail threats alleging that a Russian police officer she had accused of committing atrocities against civilians was intent on revenge. The officer, Sergei Lapin, was detained in 2002 but the case against him was closed the following year.

“There are journalists who have this fate hanging over them. I always thought something would happen to Anya, first of all because of Chechnya,” Panfilov said, referring to Politkovskaya by her nickname.

Politkovskaya began reporting on Chechnya in 1999 during Russia’s second military campaign there, concentrating less on military engagements than on the human side of the war. She wrote about the Chechen inhabitants of refugee camps and wounded Russian soldiers — until she was banned from visiting the hospitals, Panfilov said.

In 2004, she fell seriously ill with symptoms of food poisoning after drinking tea on a flight from Moscow to southern Russia during the school hostage crisis in Beslan. Her colleagues suspected the incident was an attempt on her life.

She was one of the few people to enter the Moscow theater where Chechen militants seized hundreds of hostages in October 2002 to try negotiating with the rebels. She later devoted much of her investigative reporting to that crisis, in which 129 victims died, the overwhelming majority succumbing to the gas used by special forces to knock out the hostage-takers.

“Anna was a hero to so many of us, and we’ll miss her personally, but we’ll also miss the information that she and only she was brave enough and dedicated enough to dig out and make public,” said Joel Simon, executive director of the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists.

Politkovskaya’s murder is the highest-profile killing of a journalist in Russia since the July 2004 slaying of Paul Klebnikov, editor of the Russian edition of Forbes magazine.

Russia has become one of the deadliest countries for journalists. Twenty-three journalists were killed in Russia between 1996 and 2005, many in Chechnya, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. At least 12 have been murdered in contract-style killings since Putin came to power, Simon said.

“None of those have been adequately investigated,” he said. “We do know that record creates an environment where those who might seek to carry out this murder would feel that there would be few likely consequences.”

In addition to her daughter, Politkovskaya is survived by a son, Ilya, Panfilov said.

During her career, Polykovskaya received more than 10 awards and prizes, including an award for human rights reporting from the London-based Amnesty International; a freedom of speech award from the Paris-based watchdog Reporters Without Borders; and a journalism and democracy award from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

A suspicius crime to say the list.

Nickdfresh called this thread as:
Prominent Russian Reporter Shot to Death
Nick, for you know , she never was the russian.
She is jewish girl,and she hadn’t nothing common with russian nation, except living in here. She was the tupical jewish “human rights activist”, who made a cheap popularity in West because of anti-russian articles.
All times in any cases she blamed the Kremlin and russian soldiers in Chechnij.
Certainly it was a cruel things in there but especialy in 1996-1999 yy, but it’s obviously Politkovskaj never was the objective:

Bandits captured the hostages - guelt the Putin
civilians were founed by killed - she blamed russian soldiers
Bandits cut of the head of russians POW’s -the blamed russian officers.

Nobody considered she seriously in Russia, but in West this shit was like “mead” : the differens “international awards and prices” fell on her head like a snow in january.
She found the “briiliant way” for her carrier: “the defence of Chechens” - lives of another nationalities don’t bothered her.
As the tupical example when in 1999 along the road in Chechnya were found the cut off heads of four western engineers ( 3 Britons and 1 from the New Zeland) which arrived into Chechnya on the request of the leader of the bandits of Moskhadov. Bandits didn’t get for those pioples the 8 millions dollars.
Also in 2000 whan bandits cruel executed (removing on video) the 6 members of International Red Cross , who arrived to the Chechnij to treat the childrens.

So do you think our “human right activist” Politkovskaj wrote something about this ?
Noway ,because nobody in west not pay money for this “True” and her bandist-friend don’t like this too.

Just her jewish friend-oligarh Berezovskij ( also known as chechen’s bandits sponsor) from comfortable London like to use simular method - blame in everything the Kremlin.( but just when this bas…ds openly call to capture the power in Russia this becomes inconvenient for the British Government)
Its extremely amazing, Where the jews could be the good friend of islam extremists? (Certainly not in Israel)
Easy to answer - in Russia.

When Israel cruel bombing the Lebanon children - 51 victims, our jewish “human right activists” Politkovskaj keep the silent. ( She was too busy, writing the next the “Putin-undressed article”). Its obvious for her, lives of Lebanon civilians are nothing common with a “great fight for human rights”. Her behavior during the last Israel agreession was a tupical zionists-solidarity silent.

Certainly this cruel killing of women - worst act.
Who did kill her - is interesting question.
To blame the Kremlin is stupidly.
In killing the Politkovskaj, Putin will be first , who would “main
suspected” and certainly he will get the strong critic from the “international society” ( He already got the problems from the Gorge Bush during last phone talk).
Also Ramzan Kadirov ( chechen prime-minister) not so stupid to order kill her.
Those who kill the Politkovskaj tryed to cause the problems for the Putin.

This is obvious anti-Putin’s act.

So who sponsored this cruel murder - may be we will learn sometimes.

Chevan, I’m getting mighty bored and annoyed with your linking of every topic to a Great Jewish conspiracy.

Come on Firefly, haven’t you seen all these people at her funeral?
Hundreds of jewish conspirators! :wink:

She PRed herself by anything, even by blaming Putin in killing Beslan kids. Now her ‘colleagues’ are making their PR by HER death. For example, Kasparov, famous chess champion and lead Putin-hater, wrote an article about her death in Wall Street Journal, where he mentioned her 2 times and mentioned Putin 10 times. A fitting end for specialist of black PR.

I see you Russians have come along way from the old days then? You really think she deserved to be murdered then? So much for the New Russia! I sincerely believe that you do not speak for the majority, because if you do I dont hold out much hope for democracy in your country.

My bold

Some quotation from an interview to The Guardian back in 2004:

The Bush-Blair “war on terror” has been of enormous help to Putin, Politkovskaya says. Many people in Russia gained perverse comfort from the pictures of US abuses in Abu Ghraib prison. "I’ve heard it many times. In Russia you hear people talking about it with pride: that, 'We treated the blacks like this before the Americans did, and we were right, because they are international terrorists.’

My bold.,,1327791,00.html

So actually she was right, wasn’t she? Most of the Russians thinks so racist?

…And the link provided might be a good reading. Obviously not for Chevan and Sneaksie of course. By the way mates! How comes that each time Chevan posts some racist comments, Sneaksie pops-up instantly? Are you telepats, are you twins, use some e-mail alerts or buzz-ing on messenger services?:smiley:

Indeed she never was a Russian. She was born from Ukrainian parents.:wink:

Back to topic now. What’s your opinion about independent media in nowadays Russia? Deserves they to express their views or should be send to gulags in Syberia?

What’s your opinion about independent media in nowadays Russia?

I like the firm grasp of Putin with the terrorist but I think the “independent” media is pretty screw today.

And by the Way, in my country Buenos Aires have the third jewish population in the worlds after the cities of Tel Aviv and New York, and they are argentines according to my point of view. :roll:

Firefly, please , where i did say about “conspiracy”.
. But if you would , can easy convince that in Russia isn’t any conspirancy today. May be in Scotland is it?
And i always will talk what i think as russian , even if it annoyed you.
I am don’t wish the evil for the any others nations in the world, but when i listen as the tupical jew named as russian, i willn’t be silent.

I see you Russians have come along way from the old days then?

You see the… old days …?
How a long time ago did you test the eyesight on doctor :wink: :slight_smile:

You really think she deserved to be murdered then?

Nobody deserve to be murdered for the articles. She deserved the relation to her because of her anti-russian articles( she never bordered the fate the russians who was killed by bandits). She was the POLITICAL loudhailer of Chechen bandits.

I sincerely believe that you do not speak for the majority, because if you do I dont hold out much hope for democracy in your country.

Be sure, i express the modern russian oppinion.( i have a discuss on the russian forum). And please , Firefly, don’t worry for “our democraty” - it’s look cynicaly.
Democraty is the firstly the freedom of speech , and i have the full right to say anthing what i think ( exept the call to agreession to the another peoples) .
Fu…k this democraty , if i’m as russian must listen jewish rusofobs (in Russia !!!) and can’t to answer them …

Where did i say that?
Her death is actually harmful to Russia (every anti-Russian and anti-Putin journalist popped up and started crying about independent media in Russia), she should be cared for - an excellent proof of freedom of speech in Russia with her shitloads of crap she poured on Putin and Russia. She was used by anti-Russian forces her entire life and is used now even after death for another outcry campaign. It amuses me another time (after Hodorkovsky case) what in fact shitty people thought about as kinda altruist heroes by western media. She used Beslan case for PRing herself for example, claiming that Russian secret service poisoned her to not let her save the children. She received more than $150000 from various foreign organisations. She and her colleagues make a fortune by sucking grants from western organisattions for ‘building a democracy’. And now she is even hero, cool. While she was alive, nobody in Russia listen to her seriously. If you don’t believe me, read Moris Druon (famous French author and journalist) articles, for example in ‘Figaro’ newspaper, where he writes about media in Russia and specifically about her. Maybe then you’ll understand.

I do not understand connection between your ‘bolds’. In case you misunderstood me, ‘black PR’ means dirty methods of propaganda including everything to make an opponent look like dirt. As guru of propaganda Dr. Hoebbels said, ‘People would believe a lie only if it would be a lie of monstrous proportions’.

There are plenty of media in Russia which are not state property. Problem is, many of them thought that freedom of speech means freedom of slander. They were wrong. You can not imagine how widespread actually is fight for money from western organisations in ‘independent’ or ‘free media’, how they like to call themselves. Each such media tries to shout louder than others about Putin authoritarism, pressure on free journalists and such stuff to look more ‘democratic’ to receive more money from western organisations than others.

Rights of indie media are not oppressed. All shouting about oppressing comes from people who make fortunes by sucking money from western organisations.
Anybody who actually lives in Russia would tell you that, but problem is, it seems that majority of people from this forum would say that we are all brainwashed, or work in KGB, or anything similar.

You will see the racist in the mirror , Dani

…And the link provided might be a good reading. Obviously not for Chevan and Sneaksie of course. By the way mates!

be modest Dani, express more correctly ,please like: “By the way Firefly”

How comes that each time Chevan posts some racist comments, Sneaksie pops-up instantly?

And how comes that each time whan i try to critic the jewish point you or somebody else blame as Nazi ( or the racist) May be you think that all the jews don’t make the mistakes. And everybody who don’t agree with them are the racist ( is you logic?)
I told for other our member that Politkovskaj was the jew ( it absolutly true) just becouse they could to see the motives of rusofobia in her articles.
It’s insulting for the memory of russians ( and not only russian) peoples who died in fight against terrorism , whan her name the “Russain”, becouse it’s lie, she never feeled as russian, never worred about real russians, just politic PR.

Are you telepats, are you twins, use some e-mail alerts or buzz-ing on messenger services?:smiley:

We are not telepats , we’re just the russians ( could it be worst for you?)
And inspite of some defference the points we always has own national oppinion (which could be different from the other point).
And your pitiful attempts to name us as the “racist” is just because you can’t to think objectivly, without the stereotypes ( or because you the jew)

The must be using the PM function at

She’s Ukrainian, and are you this prejudiced towards everybody?

You see the… old days …?
How a long time ago did you test the eyesight on doctor :wink: :slight_smile:

You sound more like some Germans circa 1937…

Nobody deserve to be murdered for the articles. She deserved the relation to her because of her anti-russian articles( she never bordered the fate the russians who was killed by bandits). She was the POLITICAL loudhailer of Chechen bandits.

Oh, so she didn’t condemn Chechen terror? And what about the other 43 or so Journalists that have been killed in the last ten years? the gov’ts shocking incompetence at catching the murderers? and the fact that Russia is the third most dangerous nation on earth for journalists?

Be sure, i express the modern russian oppinion.( i have a discuss on the russian forum). And please , Firefly, don’t worry for “our democraty” - it’s look cynicaly.
Democraty is the firstly the freedom of speech , and i have the full right to say anthing what i think ( exept the call to agreession to the another peoples) .
Fu…k this democraty , if i’m as russian must listen jewish rusofobs (in Russia !!!) and can’t to answer them …

LOL You deserve to live in the unstable, backward land with statements like that…

Guys, the very fact that you are debating whether or not this woman should have been doing the kind of reporting she did means that you havent yet reached your countries goal yet.

As for the Jewish statements, I have noticed that you Russian guys mention it quite often in your posts.

And before you start in on me, I can assure you I have no beef either way. I dont personally know any Russians/Jews/Muslims etc. I do know what Democracy is though.

And I know democracy certainly does not mean this:
By Alex Rodriguez
Tribune foreign correspondent
Published October 8, 2006

Russia remains one of the most dangerous places for journalists. In the six years that Russian President Vladimir Putin has been in power, 12 journalists have been the victims of contract killings, according to the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists. In all, 23 journalists have been killed in Russia between 1996 and 2005.

I do know some Russians and Muslims however:

I agree with FF on this…these circular debates are getting quite annoying. :evil:

I think Chevan doesn’t really understand that his “anti Jewish” remarks can enrage some people. If anyone is against Jews, he is also against Puertoricans, Blacks, Mexicans, Poles, Ukrainians, Russians etc…
This is how we can understand it.
So I don’t really like his remarks.

But at the end of the day, Chevan and his Russian Interior Ministry mentor Sneaksie, have some right…some merit…

Why Al Quida member which planted roadside IED in Iraq, blasted US Army Bradley and killed few GIs is veeeery baaaad, but Al Quida member in Chechnya which planted exactly the same IED, blasted Russian BWP-2 and killed few Russian soldiers is a FREEDOM FIGHTER?

Anyone can explain it to me?

Few days ago Russian Foreign Minister visited Warsaw. Before his visit, during press conference, one of the journalists asked Polish Foreign Ministry spokesman about official support of Poland for Chechen rebels.
An idiot spokesman answered that support for Chechens has got nothing to do with Poland’s relations with Russia…

Next day Russian Embassy send letter to Polish FM asking why Poland as a NATO member is interfering in Russia’s territorial integrity.

And Russians were right!

Just imagine if Amish community in Pennnsylvania would start to gather weapons, fight with US federal troops, kill local FBI agents and demand independence.
What would happen?

Can we start discussion now without mentioning Jewish conspiracy?

Chevan, I know your family is religious, you are christened, try to think that we are all Jews just like Jesus Christ.
Anyway, you never know what your great grandma was doing when your great grandpa was busy…



Apologies then.