public apolligization

i want to appoligize for my post afeidisane. it was inapropriate. codwaw was fun but i had know right to say that

Great choice of forums. :rolleyes:

And, a great choice of spelling

I think an apologization is due from me - regarding “language” infractions. Evidently I used language that is banned on the site. I don’t know specifically what it was that I wrote that was out of bounds, but I am truly sorry if I offended anyone unintentionally.

Now, about the site and it’s membership. I’d really like to know why, as a newcomer to the WW2 In Color, I was immediately attacked for making a simple and honest mistake. You know - wisecracks…nothing outstanding but honestly, I have to wonder where the animosity comes from and why the site runs threads that seem ambiguous. I caught a mild slap for posting “In Humanity and War” because it had nothing to do with beer. The thread said “Anything and everything” not related to WW2. It was clear to me that I was not welcome on that thread - thus, as is most often the case, I found myself in that good old “fight or flight” dilemma.

It’s nice that established members welcome newcomers with a round of RPG’s. Yes, I lashed out and was informed that my membership was dangling in the “to be revoked” department. Look, I spent most of my time in Iraq relying on S.E.R.E. in the worst of all possible circumstances, so I’m not likely to back down to some beer bellied wannabes. Nevertheless, I am asking WW2IC to review its policies and practices as they relate to new members. Maybe you don’t care. That’s fine too - but at least have the decency to be up front with “newbies.” Tell them to come fully armed. You might also be a little less vigilant in protecting your core members from the occasional newcomer like me who has the ability to dismantle your favorites publicly. I didn’t sign up with combat intent, but I’m always happy to share my payload with anyone stupid enough to ask for it.

So far, I have found WW2IC to be hostile territory.

Your fail at the internet isn’t our problem, it yours. Not need to justify your basic inconsiderate incompetence. BTW, no one attacked you. You’re post of some else’s unattributed work was just split off to another thread. You’re the only one making a big deal out of it…

It’s nice that established members welcome newcomers with a round of RPG’s. Yes, I lashed out and was informed that my membership was dangling in the “to be revoked” department. Look, I spent most of my time in Iraq relying on S.E.R.E. in the worst of all possible circumstances, so I’m not likely to back down to some beer bellied wannabes.

LOL Yeah, okay…

Nevertheless, I am asking WW2IC to review its policies and practices as they relate to new members. Maybe you don’t care. That’s fine too - but at least have the decency to be up front with “newbies.” Tell them to come fully armed. You might also be a little less vigilant in protecting your core members from the occasional newcomer like me who has the ability to dismantle your favorites publicly. I didn’t sign up with combat intent, but I’m always happy to share my payload with anyone stupid enough to ask for it.

Sorry, it’s hard for anyone to assume that someone who has figured out how to use and internet browser, register on a forum, and claims to be a badass RPG-dodgin’ ninja supercop would have so much cognitive impairment when deciding how to post some page he plagiarized online.

So far, I have found WW2IC to be hostile territory.

That’s because you’re a belligerent troll (and a boring, unoriginal one) and obviously wanted it that way to begin with…

What I love is that you’re somehow easily confused when posting on messageboards and can’t figure out the basic etiquette of keeping like things together and topics somewhat on topic. But then you manage to find this shitty troll thread.

It’s a mystery!!

Nancy? I like that. Clearly you are right on the money…you have a lot to be proud of, little boy. You’re a staff member? How do they spell “staff” here? A_s_s_h_o_l_e_? Oops.
Well, that should do it. Oh…your order for tampons just arrived.

So do I, seems a little masculine for you though.

Clearly you are right on the money…you have a lot to be proud of, little boy.

I’m pretty sure I am right on the money, little girl. Have you stopped pouting over the outrageous treatment of your first post?

You’re a staff member? How do they spell “staff” here? A_s_s_h_o_l_e_?

I usually spell it with the prefix, “eat my.” :slight_smile:


Is that what dad said when he forgot to pull out?

Well, that should do it. Oh…you’re order for tampons just arrived.

Did they? Will you be sending them then? Or stuffing them up your mangina?

You’ll be needing them today…

The only one being hostile around here is you Will.


At least he says he’s sorry…I mean, maybe he misses us? I know I would miss everyone if I was banned. I was once banned for a whole month and my whole world came crumbling down. Thank god I am still here!~:shock:

Thanx for sorting that out.:smiley: