Putin's Daddy???

At first disclaimer: I don’t agree with conclusions drawn by author of article below, however I find topic very interesting and I think that
members of our Forum will be interested too.
There was discussion about Putin’s father on Axis Forum, (photographs are from there), Polish member Cyprek , published photographs which you can see below
and build hypothetical version that Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin, father of current President of Russian Federation served as NKVD planted agent in Kaminsky Brigade, formation which collaborated with Germans, famous from murderous achievements in suppression of Warsaw Uprising. I think that such allegations are too far fetched - the only “proof” is striking resemblance of photographed lieutenant to President Putin.

First article about alleged Putin’s father you can read here on NZ site.


All official statements about Putin’s father are mentioning that he was a foreman in Leningrads factory.
Only one source says that he served in NKVD. (Scroll down to article: “Putin close to Orthodox patriarch” in the link below).
I don’t know anything about the source and it’s reliability.


And look at the photos - I find them fascinating. I wonder why none of them could be seen in Museum of Warsaw Uprising.
Truly significant proofs of double edged involvement of friends from the East in destruction of Warsaw - one side was sitting
on the bank of Vistula river waiting, when the other side hand in hand with Germans murdered civilians and burned the city.




This photo has got nothing to do with “Putin” but I think is very interesting anyway.



C’mon your’e not actually suggesting that the red army and the soviets who fought for the Germans made a conspiracy to destroy Warsaw?

Hi Ingsoc,

Of course not. This is absurd. But when soviets stopped their offensive giving Germans time to finish Uprising, their brothers happily helped Germans to achieve it. Attached photos show just this.

Personally I don’t believe that officer shown on the pics is Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin.
Just coincidence, but he is Russian, no doubt of it.



Lancer, stop to lead people into error. It was polish failures in London “happily helped Germans to achieve it”.

But no one in their right mind can deny that the Red Army advance was suspiciously halted, perhaps to cynically allow the Germans time to finish off any potential factions that might be problematic in regards to Soviet domination of Eastern Europe…