PVT. Robert Kauffman World War II - Modern/Post-War Photos | Gallery

PVT. Robert Kauffman World War II

PVT. Robert Kauffman World War II is a dear and close friend. During the 50 TH Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge he returned to Europe. Walking accross the battle field he ran into the German Unit he was fighting at the time of this action. He is a good decent person and speaks some German. They invited him to their German Army Units Reunion and he attended as a guest. Bob still has communications with a Captain in the German Unit. Bob is the first to tell you they were not all Nazis, some were just German GIs fighting for their homeland.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/modern/30519/pvt.-robert-kauffman-world-war-ii

He does not know I posted this, but if you want to read the book here is a link.


It doesn’t surprise that he speaks some German with a last name like “Kauffman”.