Question about F.I.R.

I dont know how to say it , but can the turkish F.I.R. be over greek islands ???

What is a FIR?.I am new to this term?

From the things i know is the radar area of a country

Reference radar, I take it you’re not worried about FIR filters are you ?
If I understand you correctly, your concern is that Turkish radar can look over Greek islands, right ?

Of course it can !
How do you think the rest of the world gets on ? :roll:
Besides anything else, air traffic control around the world needs to be able to track all the a/c airborne at any one time.

If you’re still worried about a Turkish invasion over the copyright of feta cheese, I’d just chill out if I was you.
They’re still wondering what that big wooden rabbit was all about.

So Cuts i have not to worry that turkish aircrafts flight greek islands , or threating greek helicopters which flight over greek islands are going to be shot down .

and did you ever eat feta cheese ???

Just a quick question - which islands in particular are you talking about ?

But in answer to your question, you shouldn’t worry about it any more than the Turks should worry about Greek aircraft overflying Turkish islands or threatening to shoot down Turkish helicopters which are overflying Turkish islands.

Anyway, the Greeks have radar which can look over Turkish territory too, but I suspect that this is ok…

On many occasions, and still do.

I am talking about samos , lesvos and other . A week ago a Chinook tried to land in samos and during the landing turks threat that they are going to engage . About what Turkish islands are you talking about . Imvros or Tenedos ??? Cause i think these are the only turkish islands in the aegean .

I hope you like it

I am talking about samos , lesvos and other . A week ago a Chinook tried to land in samos and during the landing turks threat that they are going to engage . About what Turkish islands are you talking about . Imvros or Tenedos ??? Cause i think these are the only turkish islands in the aegean .[/quote]

Yes Imbros or Tenedos are the only two I can think of too.
But if Greece have or were to install a radar site on for example, Chios, Rhodos (Rhodes in English,) or Lesbos, (Dykos in English) then the boot would be on the other foot.

But the incident you speak of was just so much macho posturing.
They were beating their chests if you prefer.
Something most of us grew out of when we left primary school.
I imagine it was some lower echelon plonker who got too big for his boots, but that’s just going on the gen you gave me, I don’t know if there was something that precipitated the incident.

Also, which both sides must realise, you are allies.
Now FFS get a grip, realise the past is over and gone, so stop acting like youse are still in the playground !

That’s not meant personally by the way, just that there are too many people that cannot let go of ancient history.
Remember Santayana, “those that cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

I hope you like it[/QUOTE]
Yes it’s lekker.
Then I’ve not yet found a food I don’t like. :smiley:

Nice one Lol.