Question about financial compensation of Russia :)

Gentlemens, some of our Eastern European states today claims the financial compensation for post-war Soviet occupation…
I know for sure the Baltic states prepears the documents to the international court when they demand the figure from 5 to 60 billions dollars each ( depend of level sovietization) as a retribution for the SOviet activity since 1944-1991.
Also the Polish comrides, relatives of murdered polish officers in Katyn demands their part of a compensation.
Ukrainians demands its money for Holodomore…
Do i forget somebody else?
Any idias ? More suggestions of sums?

Given that the Soviet Union no longer exists, who exactly are they going to sue? Russia? If so, I’d say they don’t have a case - since the Russians were victims of the CPSU as well. Russia is the successor state to the Soviet Union in many things - treaty relationships, nuclear weapons, etc. but I don’t think it should be in everything.

The usual legal tactics are to join another defendant to the proceedings to make them liable to pay compensation and to file a counter-claim against the plaintiff claiming that the plaintiff owes the defendant money which cancels or exceeds the plaintiff’s claim. These tactics can be used only if there is some factual basis to support them which, fortunately for Russia, is possible here. :wink:

Russia should join Germany as a defendant for starting WWII and carving up Poland.

Germany then joins France and Britain as defendants for forcing the Versailles Treaty upon Germany and causing WWII, and files a separate claim against France for starting the Franco Prussian War of 1870.

Russia then claims against Britain and France for starting the Crimean war in the 1850’s, and files a separate claim against France for invading Russia in 1812.

Britain then files a set-off against Russia for fighting Napoleon during the whole of the Napoleonic Wars and thereby protecting Russia and depriving Napoleon of the power to defeat Russia.

Russia settles with Britain to avoid re-fighting the Napoleonic Wars in the courts, Russians and Britons being fully aware of how long the summary of just a little bit of Russia’s part in the Napoleonic Wars takes to read in Tolstoy’s War and Peace and recognising that once lawyers get involved there aren’t enough forests on earth to produce the paper they’ll use in endless court documents.

This leaves France and Germany as the only defendants.

Germany files a claim against France that German unification would not have happened without the Franco Prussian War, so WWI and WWII were France’s fault.

In the end, everybody but France agrees that, as usual in Europe, everything is France’s fault and that France has to pay all the compensation.

France, as usual, treats all this with contempt and refuses to pay until (i) Britain apologises to France and compensates it for sinking the French fleet at Oran, (ii) Japan restores Indo China to France and apologises for occupying it and (iii) Vietnam apologises for defeating France at Dien Bien Phu and compensates France for that humiliation. This provokes laughter in London, Tokyo and Hanoi, which offends the French who threaten to make rude noises at people outside France if they don’t stop laughing at France.

As usual, everybody gets sick of the Frogs and their typically arrogant demands and forgets what the original dispute was about. And that’s the end of the dispute.


P.S. I am available to advise the Russian government on legal tactics, for about 1,000 euros per hour. :slight_smile:

To the happiness , we here have not a lot of french, so you we all might admit you point about France;)

P.S. I am available to advise the Russian government on legal tactics, for about 1,000 euros per hour. :slight_smile:

ask 10 000 per hour:)
Plus persent from the advocating sum.
This is nothing with comparition with the tens billions of dollars suits:)
The so called “Russian govenment” ( the narrow round of people) hold about 300 billions of dollars in American banks ( stabilization fund)
So claiming the 1 000 per hour you simply will make them laught…

That’s only because you rather rudely rejected them in 1812, when they were poor little military migrants beating on Moscow’s door to be let in from the cold. :wink:

If you’d been more welcoming, you could have had dogshit all over your street cafes and a Renault 2CV instead of a Lada Niva. :wink: :smiley:

Seriously, and without getting yourself locked up in Lubyanka, is there a view among ordinary people in Russia that your government is corrupt and that its leaders have become rich on that corruption?

I don’t mean normal capitalist corruption like, say, America or even Asian corruption like Japan, but extreme corruption where someone like Putin gets tens or hundreds of millions of dollars for himself.

But they have proved that they are just a warm-loving mother’s darlings. They would not survived in the Moscow even if we were greeting them with Vodka:)

If you’d been more welcoming, you could have had dogshit all over your street cafes and a Renault 2CV instead of a Lada Niva. :wink: :smiley:

But we already have the dogshit over all of our cafes and Renault finally has bought the VAZ:)
I think mate if we both were more welcoming in 1941 , i could drive the BMV instead Lada, you could drive the Mitsubishi and eat sushi on your breakfast… damn , i can’t believe ,we have losed that chance:)

Seriously, and without getting yourself locked up in Lubyanka, is there a view among ordinary people in Russia that your government is corrupt and that its leaders have become rich on that corruption?

I don’t mean normal capitalist corruption like, say, America or even Asian corruption like Japan, but extreme corruption where someone like Putin gets tens or hundreds of millions of dollars for himself.

Mate if they will imprison everybody who calls them as Mafia or bunch of corruptioners - they should have to restore the Gulag and put the peoples there.
The govenments call it as “normal capitalist corruption” still , but to hell, we still have not normal average life-level here, that correspond to their sums of bribes.

Mitsubishi is closing its factory here; BMW’s (BMV where you are because Germans can’t pronounce W :D) are all over the place here; I can get all the sushi I want in every shopping centre food court; Peugeot and Renault closed their factories here maybe 25 years ago; but there ain’t no Lada Nivas on sale now. It’s all gotta mean something. :smiley:

Ignoring the excesses of the oligarchs etc, do you think the average Russian working person, like clerks and carpenters and plumbers and nurses and firemen and school teachers, thinks they are better off now or would have been better off if the USSR continued?

Becouse now they produce the Chevrolet Lada:)
The old lada was better and cheaper:)
In fact it was a one of the best off-road vehicles for hard condition…

Ignoring the excesses of the oligarchs etc, do you think the average Russian working person, like clerks and carpenters and plumbers and nurses and firemen and school teachers, thinks they are better off now or would have been better off if the USSR continued?

The USSR could not be continued in its old style, it should be reformed.
The problem is that instead the socialism with certain economical troubles, we 've got the Wild Ugly Capitalism in 1990-yy. It was dark period that could not be even compared with the previous live in USSR.
Indeed the the average working person remind the USSR not becouse it was a so great for their living, but mostly becouse it was a state of their Youth:)
It was also a state with a strong social guaranties of free medicine and hight education - the very importaint things indeed ( it so sad we have learn it just now, what we have losed)
The “perspective possible USSR”, if it still exists,with modernized economic by the market elements, could the be strongest state in the world( much more stronger then China).
People of USSR differed from them who lives today here, and i can’t say changes make them better.