"Dolly" - German Air Force | Gallery


Project EF 126 "Dolly" by Junkers. Another example of the ''Jägernotprogramm'' (fighter plane emergency programme). Basically the wooden "Dolly" was an advancement of the FZG 76 better known as V 1. It's told the russians snatched the plans for Dolly and that they built and tested it after the war. Dolly was armed with two MG151 2cm-guns and was supposed to reach a speed of 770km/h.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-air-force/20382/andquotdollyandquot

Are you sure a it was Dolly? I’ve seen it listed as Elli and Lili.

No, that’s “Dolly”. “Lilly” and “Wally” were build as well by Junkers respectively Heinkel.