Rank Icons

This thread is for new members on the forum that have a question on the their Rank icons. So I started this thread to help you out. There are many rank icons in the thread. Right now you have the option of USA ranks (which is default), Polish Military Ranks, British Army Ranks, and the WW2 German Army Ranks -SS. You can pick any of these membergroups and each one has different icons on which rank you are at. (at least most of the icons are different.) Some people have different icons, but are at the same rank. This is very common with Staff Sargent icons. Here are the two icons it can look like.
Here is the most common Staff Sargent icon.

Here is the least uncommon Staff Sargent icon.

Remember you do not have the choice of what your rank icon will look at. Here are what the ranks go by. This is a very good procedure on how the ranking system works.
0-9 posts is a Private
10-24 posts is a Private 1st Class
25-49 posts is a Corporal.
50-199 posts is a Sargent.
200-499 posts is a Staff Sargent.
500-999 posts is a Sargent Major.
1000-1999 posts is a 2nd Lieutenant.
I do not believe we have any 1st Lieutenants on the forum right now.

If you are looking at a profile and it has a different rank icon that has a moderating or adminiastrator icon. Their icon will be different from yours because they are the ones who help with the site and make it better. They are the ones I guess you could say with the highest rank.
If anybody has any questions please post them in this thread.

Thanks for the info. It clears up a few question I had.
HEY…I just got promoted!

Glad it helped you and congrats on your promotion!

Thanks. I wish I could say I worked hard for it, but…

If anybody has any questions I would be glad to answer them for you.

Here is another piece of info for the new members.
Where is my rank icon found ? you new members might ask.
It is found below your name when you posts a message or you are looking at user profile. If you look on the left of this post you will see my username GermanSoldier(top left corner on reply) my rank icon is located right below it. Here is an example of what it would look like.
then your rank
then your rank icon.
then your WW2 avatar.
then any extra information you have put in on your profile.
Please post your questions here if you have any.

I do have one question. What do the different envelopes in the far left colum mean?

Well they provide some of your profile. It is for when you make a post other members will know who posted it. Then they can see your username, rank, icon rank, WW2 avatar, and any extra information you might of put in your User CP. Kind of like the join date, location, and your posts. I hope this helped you out on your question you had. If I need not make it clear please tell me.
If anybody has any questions please post the question here.

All new members please read this thread carefully to help you out on understanding Rank Icons.

I meant the envelops on the “new post page” far left.

oh, the envelopes are for if the post is new it is red. If the post is old the envelope will turn blue. Does that help you out. tell me if this helped you out or did I not make it clear enough?

That’s the answer I was looking for…again Thanks.

You are totally welcome. Hoped I have answered all of your questions.

So far yes. Any more arise and I’ll let you know.

Ok. Just feel free to.
By the way, if you look at the envelope and look to the right of it. There will be the time of which that post was posted. So you can tell how long it has been there. Just in case you were wondering about it.

hey isnt there a key on the bottom of each forum

I believe so. It is the posting rules. Not for sure if there is a key on each forum. If you are talking about threads you would not say forum. I noticed this alot that people call threads forums. Just making sure you did not mean the thread.

How do you start a new thread?

Well first have to go to a certain part of the forum. Like German Mililtary or any others like that. When you enter it, towards the bottom left will say create new thread. If you press that you can create a new thread on the forum. You are still confused please tell me.

I’ll take a look and if I have any problems…I’ll let you know. Thanks.