Ranks are messed up!

For alot of you we dont not have the rank pics just the names. I am working on it so give me some time. Also if you have a couple of different sites then please send them to me. Not all pics work the same.

Hope these help!

i know my srg rank isnt there but thank you

Hey, while we’re revisiting the ranks and all, why not add the Russian and Japanese too? I don’t know how much work that would take though.

your rank links to an image on wikipedia. the best would be if we store all images on the server. that would also mean fast loading times as you won’t have to wait for it to connect to ww2incolor.com and then to external links.

Ehm i don’t like to push , i just want to ask if there is any progress with it ?

Hello anyone to say something about it ?

working on it. can anybody help me with this? I cannot find the image.
<IMG SRC=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5a/SSsrgptch.gif/75px-SSsrgptch.gif WIDTH=“35” HEIGHT=“35” ALT=“WW2 German Army Rank - Unteroffizier” >

if somebody sends me the images, I can add them no problem

Maybe this ?? If not tell me i will try to find a new one and help you .

looks good. if you find it in better quality keep me posted.

Here are some more i found collar_SSuscha.jpg без име.JPG

I guess I can only recommend this:


An image of every WW2 SS Rank…

yes, but as you can see a lot of the pictures are missing…that’s why your pictures is missing as well!

I’ve already fixed a few.

When I looked at the collar insignia, i didn’t 1934-44, I didn’t notice a single one missing… and I think part of the problem are that the ranks aren’t quite the same, are they?

Also, what they describe as “Shooter/Trooper” on the wikipedia article would be most appropriately translated into a private, so you’d have to go from then upwards…

This: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:SS-Unterscharführer.svg
would be an Unteroffizier, for example.

should all be fixed now.
next step is to save all of them locally, so that this won’t happen again.

Don’t want to be a dick - but look at Ivaylo. His rank isn’t fixed yet… or will it take a bit to work?

I think it’s a caching issue, because in the control panel they all show.