
I didnt know that the ranks on this site go any higher then Sergeant Major, congrats to IRONMAN for bein the first and only 2nd Lieutenant. Did anyone else not know the ranks went up into officer, or did i just miss something?

it´s a special rank,it´s given to Ironman by iniciative of one of the admins i think.The normal ranks are by number of posts,from private to seargent major.

the rest are by iniciative of the admins…

I think IRONMAN got his commission because he is too clueless to be a Sergeant-Major! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :wink:

question, what is up with u and ironman, you always try to git at him :?

you will see the war ironman-briton users and a minority of other countries.

im really boring of seeing bullshit in this forum.

a bunch of ******** like making problems,im afraid

If frionscam didn’t post such utter bollocks, there’d be none of these “problems”.

For a laugh, review the first few pages of the Walther War Machine thread & you’ll see what I mean.

question, what is up with u and ironman, you always try to git at him :?[/quote]

It was an attempt at military humour but you are right, I am always trying to have a go at IRONMAN. Read some of his posts and you will soon realise why. I have never encountered someone so patronising and yet so clueless.

Actually, come to think of it, the rank of 2nd Lieutenant fits quite well!

But Tubs, even a shiny new 2Lt isn’t so dim as to attempt to be patronising to a senior Tom !

Unfortunately in the real world, I am a mere junior rank so my opinion rarely counts!

Unfortunately, if you read what drivel iron Man posts you will understand him more. As to him being rewarded for his good work here. Well thats another story.

Quantity having a quality all of its own perhaps?

There is a definite “quality” to his “work”…

No IRONMAN did not get a special rank…they run from private to 3 star general. 4 and 5 star are not acheivable by posting.

oh i see, thanks for clairfing Gen. Sandworm

Well, in my case the hostility comes from the thread about Jet Engines (a subject in which both I and several others on this forum hold MEng degrees). Ironman does not, and unfortunately has very little understanding of how a jet engine works. Despite myself and several others being extremely patient with him, and doing our best to explain things to him any concept that he’d never heard of was greeted with insults and derison, and both our intelligence and professional competence was called into question. Behaviour like that is apt to generate a great deal of hostility, particularly when it is sustained as it was in this case.
The Jet Engines thread wasn’t the only one - he has done the same to serving Infantrymen regarding infantry weapons and tactics (using the computer game “Call of Duty” as his primary source to prove professional soldiers wrong!) and to someone who works as a patent examiner regarding the process of granting a patent.

Edit: formatting

Regarding Special Ranks, I one day could possibly face the odious task of being a 2ndLt if all goes to plan, I agree with both Tubby and Cuts, that a 2ndLt cowers in the presence of senior NCO’s and ORs.
So yes Tubby I agree, it is possible that subbies are “too clueless” for Sgt Major

cue the inevitable Quote from RMAS

I will call you Sir, and you will call me sir, and we both know which one of us means it. Sir

Why do I have problems with IRONMAN, as they are routinely explored elsewhere I shant give the full list, At present it is the fact that hes told me my Arabic Girlfriend’s family wanted to Kill both myself and my family, especially my Father a protestant Priest - Go figure

ok… but anyway, as Gen. Sandworm said, IRONMAN didn’t recieve a special rank, our ranks on this site go from Private to Lieutenant General (3 Star General)

An antidote I read somewhere on how to get things done.

RMAS. DS Major to cadets; “Today we have a problem solving task for you to do over lunch. Out side you will see a flagpole. It needs erecting and you have your Pl as a work force. By 1400hrs come up with a plan as to how to erect it. Any questions?”

After lunch they reassembled and gave the Major their various ideas on how to put up the flagpole using the soldiers they had rope and tackle. After listening to the various methods the DS told them the correct way to put up the flagpole.

“Sgt I want that flagpole put up over there, use the Pl, I will be back in an hour.”