rape of nanking - Japanese Forces | Gallery

rape of nanking

jap soldiers murdering civillians during what is now known as the rape of nanking

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/japanese-forces/18806/rape-of-nanking

every nations army have extreme sick people

Actually, there are those who claim most of the soldiers who committed atrocities at Nanking were Koreans (in Japanese service). Personally, I doubt that’s completely true – and in any case, the Japanese certainly were responsible for what their army did/allowed to happen. That Japanese did participate in Nanking is without doubt – there are even period Japanese newspaper covering a head-taking contest by two junior officers – both claimed more than 100 heads each. Here and elsewhere, the Japanese often live civilians or POWs for life bayonet practice. Treatment of POWs was more than a little “lacking” - the Bataan Death March, beheadings, etc…