Recent uploads to the photo area

I found this image loaded today, put up by someone called " Tiger 1" with a very Neo Fanboy troll like description/caption. I have given a warning, and would have deleted the whole thing had I been able to.

This is the description: “In this painting you see Germans with blonde, black and brown hair… All Germans were equal. No matter what hair or eye colour you had
A Myth ( or lie ) has been created by Western Historians over the decades that the NSDAP wanted to create a Blue eyed Blonde Hair “super Aryan” Race… More and more people are realizing today that this is not the case at all.”

May be part of a bigger problem, as outlined in PM to FTG and me from Ardee.

[quote]Re: Concern

Quote Originally Posted by Ardee

I'm writing this to you folks, because you're the only tow moderators I know of, or at least can think of at the moment. What's prompting the message is a repeated posting of some offensive photos, a "private message" from another forum member to me, and my own concern about some of the conversations taking place, etc.

I contact FTG originally about some of the photos when they first appeared; they were gone the next time I logged on, so I'm assuming he was in fact the responsible party for their removal ! Thanks. But some of the same ones have been uploaded again, plus some more than I hadn't seen before. I initially just sent a head's up to FTG, just in case visiting this site ISN"T the first thing he does when he turns on his computer. I'd normally let it go at that. But a couple of minutes later, I got the private message from another member how was unhappy about the images, so I thought of sending a back-up request to RS.

I have little doubt there is a connection between the offensive photos and some of the recent exchanges/posts that are going on. To me, it seems clear certain individuals have an agenda, and are acting on it with provocative posts, both in terms of images and their text. Some of the posts strike me as personal attacks, triggered by different political views. Some of the images also seem to be pushing the boundary a bit: for instance, one (?) person keeps posting , not photos, but graphics depicting the number of weapons available to each side in such-and-such battle, or the total war, or whatever -- but itself harmless, but with the associated discussion, I am continually picking up the "vibe" that the poor outnumbered Axis folks really should have won the fight/war except for the terrible odds against them. Without having actually checked, I suspect these specific images are of not always of strict accuracy, or at the very least, are subject to "interpretation."

What is appropriate as free expression of thought and opinion, vs. someone trying to permeate the site with their own perspective? Obviously, there is no easy answer to that one. FTG is the primary mod for the Photo section, at least as I understand it; but he's not available 24/7, and even if he was, I doubt he signed up to be a schoolyard monitor. I don't have a solution, nor even a clear definition of the problem. I am simply expressing a growing concern, and am *guessing* I am not the only member that feels that way. The private message I got was specifically about the offensive photos, and was suggesting the site might want to investigate some sort of filter, but that is a realm far beyond my ken.

I, at least, participate in the photo section because my primary interest is in the historical PHOTOS and intelligent, balanced discussion thereof, the exchanged of related information, etc. Lately, I sense things are moving away from that. I'm not the one to say if that's good, bad, or indifferent.

I have a strong bias, in that I'm perhaps overly aware the subject matter has an inherent tendency to draw neo-Nazi and related racist and/or hate groups, and I tend to have a low tolerance level for such types. So may be I'm over-reacting. But I did think I should express my concerns, as a kind of warning flare.

Sorry if I've rambled on too long.


You haven't rambled at all.

If you're referring in part to it has already been picked up by a mod other than FTG or me and referred for discussion in the mod room.

I'll refer your concerns in the same thread, for mod discussion and action.

Could you let me have links to any photos and comments which are of concern to you or others on the photo section, so that I can raise them in the mod room?

Thanks for raising your concerns.


RS [/quote]

Separate but related issue is that my mod powers have never been recognised on the photo forum, despite various and ancient attempts to activate them.

I have full powers in the photo section, largely thanks to FTG. I cannot be on as much as I have been previously due to work and other things going on and I no longer have much access from work. But if Ardee spots any problems, please have him PM me and I’ll get on it as fast as I can if FTG isn’t available. I’m not sure if pdf27 has mod powers there, or if he posts as “Paul” or not…

I just added TG to the admin group, everyone of us should be issued with equal mod/admin powers now.

I think I registered ages ago as pdf27, but it doesn’t seem to be letting me in right now. To be honest right now I don’t have the time or energy to act as a mod on both, and I haven’t been doing a hell of a lot on this site recently either…

More info from Ardee.

Hi RS,

Thanks for the response. I will not try to answer for the opinions or feelings of anyone other than myself, as no specifics have been mentioned directly to me, other than what I’ve already shared. Perhaps a more general solicitation, or a deliberate sampling of varuious viewpoints by other long-term memebers might be approrpriate?

Anyway, trying to find you a few simple links to illustrate what I was expressing will be something of a challenge: rather, it is a subtle impression being built up in the aggregate that bothers me. Any one thing, by itself, would seem trivial, or even innocent. My time on the computer is limited today to things I have to get done elsewhere, so I can hardly be exhaustive (what’s interesting is to also look at the accompanying discussion). But here are a couple of samples:

Poor out numbered Nazis:
etc, etc.

Defending Axis Propaganda:

To judge by the caption title given to the photo, I’d have to say this was a case of open support for Nazisim:

Even I’m not sure if this one belongs here, but the caption title given to the photo is …odd, and some of the discussion is too…and the image itself is a re-post (the second address being the older of the two – I suppose some might view the title given to that photo has provocative, though others might view it as simply historically accurate of the attitude of the time).

As a counterview, this hardly seems pro-Axis, but I’m likewise a little dubious it contributes value to the site:

Questioning if Nazis were really as bad as everybody thinks: looking at the user-supplied last word in the web address is also interesting:

I don’t really have the time today to go looking for examples of text posts that are troubling, but the names of Pieter, Tiger1, and Father Jack spring to mind – the first two I’m sure have pro-nazi/racist leanings, and the last just seems both deliberately ignorant of reality (i.e., suggesting Poles were SOOOOO stupid they thought German tanks were made out of wood and cardboard, despite the fact the Poles had modern tanks among their own forces) and snide in his attitude towards others, seeming to stay just barely on the safe side of the line of deliberate trolling/provoking of others. The last one may NOT be fair; I don’t believe he has been around long, and my assessment is based on the grand total of the three of his posts which happen to stick out in mind, which may not be representative.

More of what bothers me in the text posts is the increasing perception I have of a growing number of personal comments/attacks. Sometimes that involves name-calling, sometimes it involves an in-your-face attitude.

I’ll try to make a note of some verbal exchanges as I come across them, and send you a few sites. Finding images is easy by comparison; I just don’t have the time right now to go scanning for text.

Thanks for the interest. Like I said, I don’t have an easy solution, and clear-cut definitions are also elusive. Good luck.


Tiger 1 did not pay any attention to my warning, and chose instead to be dismissive of anyone who disagreed with him. I told him not to push his luck, but he insisted on continuing his trollish rambling, so I took his toy away. Also, had to hose out the photo homepage again.

Same here. The problem is that the photo section of the forum seems to have a completely different life of its own from the messageboard with a unique dynamic of different, very dedicated poster. It’s hard to just run in there and just start modding everything sometimes…

Should we not elect a couple of photo-site-only mods? If there are some guys who are only on there with their heads screwed on right that would be the ideal solution…

I spend a lot of time on the photo site on a daily base, normally it’s no big deal.
These acts of retribution (I mentioned I’m pretty sure it’s banned Stevey14/88 who’s posting the porn etc.) however are annoying. Procyon really should do these changes in the upload procedure…

Anyone have an opinion on the poster known as “Harry Roy?” One long time poster in there accused him of being a pot-stirrer troll, and he seems to enjoy reacting to every perceived slight against the African-American soldiers. I don’t know if he’s an overly serious, uptight ****wit, or genuinely a troll, perhaps even a “false-flag” one that claims he’s half-black…

You had your problems yourself with him a couple of weeks ago when he was still posting as BongoX3.

A lower skill level troll,(from what little I have seen of his activity) but he is on my watch list. Banddroid seems to like dancing with him.

This just in from the photo side,

Watch tower of the Labor Camp 9-10 at Vorkuta,USSR


Never Forget! Jewish Bolsheviks Murdered MILLIONS of Orthodox Christians
No idea who loaded it, left a challenge.

Let’s get rid of it. It’s unfounded BS anyway, last thing we need over there is another fire started…

Further, there are additional pictures reportedly showing reportedly dead, and dying children also alleging that Jews were responsible. I agree FTG, they are gone.