Red Army

What are you think about Red Army ,about NKVD ,and their part in WW2

Red Army or NKVD? That was really different organizations…

Welcome back…good to see ya :smiley:

Yes … what’s your think about Red Army and about NKVD.

I think Red Army won the war!

Red Army be very importnant ,but allied take berlin if soviet’s don’t want.

When Russia and China were both communist didnt the world get confused when they heard “the red army” because they are both classified as the red army.

Well …when you say Red Army everyone think on Soviet Union :lol: :lol:

well the Red Army defeated the Nazi’s in the last European battle of Battle of Berlin

The Chinese Army is the People’s Liberation Army, not the Red Army

I think too ,thanks BDL.

Right, so… You just want us to say what we think of the Red Army?? Well, they contributed an enormous deal to the winning of the war, some people believe that the Soviet Union could’ve won the war by themselves, but I do not believe that. They had an enormous amount of resources and they lost (wasted) men like Russian caviar.

No Soviet Union could never win war allone ,becouse soviets dont have much tanks ,if i don’t wrong britany is in the first years of war send soviets tamks and ammunitions over the north sea.

Yes you are right. Very dangerous operation for the merchant ships, and for the escorts. Tirpitz was in the area and posed a great threat.

And guns on norway coast and submarines,fighters a lot of mans lose life in north sea.

Please show me your figures?

From 1940 the Soviets produced 35,000 T-34/76 alone. Another 31,000 T-34/85 were then built as well. Yes the UK and US sent tanks to the Soviets, but they made up a very small proportion of the Soviet Tank force.

Clauss, Lend-lease act (and and the British support has nothing to do with SU capability to build a huge number of tanks (

Ok i dont know that i know only this ,allied send soviets tanks ,i was in wrong sorry mate. :wink:

Please show me your figures?

From 1940 the Soviets produced 35,000 T-34/76 alone. Another 31,000 T-34/85 were then built as well. Yes the UK and US sent tanks to the Soviets, but they made up a very small proportion of the Soviet Tank force.[/quote]

35,000 tanks and at least 5 men would control each tank so that would be about 175,000 men to man the tanks.
Thats alot of tanks for the germans to repel a mass assault on their fatherland 8)

i’ve talked to my grandfather a lot about his experiences in world war 2. he was a mechanized panzergrenadier captain with significant decorations.

his asssessment of the red army is this:
extremely tough men,
very difficult to dislodge from enemy positions most of the time,
will fight to the last man often.
can often take enormous suffering.
a respectable foe.

unfortunately, the red army is not well trained due to lack of literacy and time
the officers often make stupid mistakes that get many of their men killed
the infantry often engage in suicidal attacks/foolish attacks
the artillery is massive, but slow , clumsy and predictable. it misses a lot of the time. the russians rely on sheer numbers of guns to make up for lack of technique.

their 120mm mortor though, is very excellent and superior.

unfortunately, in most combat situations, the red army is outgunned. they rely on clumsy ww1 maxims and the inefficient dp light mg( inefficient because the drums are so heavy so ammo supply is low)

however, when the fighting gets real close/in cities, towns, the reds equal or sometimes outgun the germans in firepower because of the ppsh.

his accessment of american/british troops:

sometimes cowardly, sometimes brave
they do not seek close combat, so fights take place in longer ranges.
rely A lot on superior air power and artillery
american artillery is amazing.
less aggressive then the russians
officers/ncos make fewer mistakes then the russians
allies are very careful and slow in the advance, most of the time entire battaltions/regiments can be halted for some time by 1 or 2 snipers and mgs

he was very surprised at allied slowness in their advance to berlin. he said that the allies never truely mastered blitzkreig even with massive numerical/material supremacy and motorization. if they did, they would’ve made it to berlin in 6-8 weeks considering the small oppossition.

and the falaise pocket was hell.