Refrehsments :D

I find this hillarious :lol::lol:


very funny :smiley:


Very funny, expecially the Iraqis insurgent… :smiley:

Very good gumalangi! Very funny indeed!
I liked the part: “Here’s Eisenhowers phone number, English words for give up, and the word for our current military situation.”:mrgreen:

Very impressive French technology. :smiley:

I’d be surprised if this poor bastard’s pelvis is much more than mush.

It’s clear from his tentative actions that he’s not trained or, if trained, not confident. Either way, he shouldn’t have been there.

Another one :slight_smile:


It looks like a modern day “botched” opening of “Saving Private Ryan”…thanx for the clip.:wink:

and this one,. was one of the most outstanding fighting forces in the world :slight_smile:


start to question the myth of eben emael landing :smiley: :smiley:

Not very outstanding.:wink:

They’re probably not very outstanding, but i couldn’t stop to laugh… Thanx for this clip!

A dustman from Tottenham, London,holds one of his pigs (left). Pig-raising was strongly encouraged during the WW II. The little pig (right) was allegedly christened Hitler by his owner after it had tried to grab all the food from the rest of the litter. The little Hitler didn’t survive the war… :wink: :slight_smile:

HK 002.jpg


