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ReichMarshall H. Goering

The lion of the Luftwaffe ... Saludos Jorge

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Awww ! For some reason I am reminded between the King and the Queen in the movie, "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" -

“You’re my little chu-chi face
My coo-chi, coo-chi, woo-chi little chu-chi face
Every time I look at you I sigh
And you’re my little teddy bear
My lovey lovey dovey little teddy bear
You’re the apfel strudel of mine eye
Your chu-chi woo-chi nose
Your chu-chi woo-chi eyes
They set my heart a flutter
Your ooo-chi coo-chi ways
Your ooo-chi coo-chi gaze
Wilts me down like meltings butter
You’re my little chu-chi face
And you’re my teddy bear
Together we’re a chu-chi woo-chi, ooo-chi coo-chi pair
Whatever you may ask becomes my happy task
I only live to serve you
I never will divine what magic made you mine
I only know I don’t deserve you
You’re my little chu-chi face
And you’re my teddy bear
Together we’re a chu-chi woo-chi, ooo-chi coo-chi
Chu-chi, Woo-chi, Ooo-chi, Coo-chi pair
Coo-chi pair.”

Only question - which one is the teddy bear …? Best regards, JR.

JR-you write clever comments but you don’t use the HTML language at all.It makes that I’m rally discourage to read your comments.They are not visible.What about checking this English site?
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