Reinhard Heydrich - German Leadership | Gallery

Reinhard Heydrich

Reinhard Heydrich (1904-1942) Nazi German commander in second world war. 1939 he murdered 20000 Poles mainly inteligentsia. Heydrich was one of the main architects of the Crystal night ( Kristallnacht ) and Holocaust (Hitlers crimes against Jews). He was also instrumental in establishing the false 'attack' by Poland on German national radio at Gleiwitz, intended to provide the Nazi justification for the beginning of World War II. Heydrich was punished by the citizens of Czech Republic and died in Prague.

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There is a story of Goring - who bore little love for the Reichfuhrer-SS - coming into a party one day, beaming from ear to ear, and announcing, "I have discovered that Himmler does actually have a brain; it is called Heidrich!". The recklessness and arrogance that impelled him to serve as a fighter pilot on the Eastern Front (until Himmler grounded him, after he was shot down) was finally his undoing on that day in Prague. Himmler may have been relieved - their relationship had long been uneasy and, by this time, the Reichfuhrer was in all probability afraid of this supposed "brain" of his. Mind you, Hitler was less than pleased. He regarded the fact that somebody as "indispensible" as Heydrich had been exposed to danger in this way as unbelievable folly. Well, the folly was primarily that of Heydrich himself. A brilliant (if evil) man, he was still far from immune from the folly of arrogance. Best regards, JR.

followed by a trial at nuremberg