Religion - Attitudes towards, beliefs, etc

Has anyone heard of the Devils mark before? , perhaps if anyone is a christian they might of read it in their bible.
For you that dont know what the “Devils Mark” is it is foretold that in the End of days mankind will all have microchips or barcodes in either their wrist, forehead or another part of their body. It is there as your ID and records and also , tracking systems by satelite and you will also use it as a money source instead of a commonly used credit card.
It will be compulsory though christians will not get it on any circumstances, i am not sure what the muslims think of it or any other religeon on that base.
The people that will deny to have a chip/barcode like the many christians will live in poverty or simular conditions to the amish because of money problems.

Those of you who dont believe it, you can already see it starting to happen, they are now fitting microchips in convicts,rapists,murderers bodies to follow them by satelite, it will only be a matter of time until everyone else has one.

Does anyone have an opinion on this?

yes, i know very well about the Devil Mark, and yes it is coming into place like the example you used of prisoners etc etc

and apparently in some Scandinavean country they’re trialing a way to pay for things using chips and etc etc

i know all these things of the future

its is my dream to die fighting the anti-Christ :roll: :lol: :shock:

That’s not quite true. What you have suggested is one interpretation of Revelation 14:16-14:17.

The interpretation posted above is a very literal one, but it should be borne in mind that interpreting the Bible in a literal fashion is often misleading.

That’s a very Von Daniken-esque interpretation, rather akin to his automatic doors from the Epic of Gilgamesh…

When this prophecy comes true what would you do crab_to_be and man of stoat ? , will you give unto the devils mark ?

It is also said in the bible that THE antichrist will be born as a decieving attractive man that will be looked as a good man to alot of people but will be the opposite from Jesus, if you guys know what i mean.
Some believe he has already been born aswell.

Would this man perhaps be muslim or middle eastern?

It was also written by Terry Pratchett that the M25 motorway was constructed in the form of an evil ancient sigil, thereby causing chaos. This is far more believable (and far more amusing) than any crap from the Book of Revelations.

This is far more believable (and far more amusing) than any crap from the Book of Revelations.

Man of stoat, when you make statements like that Becareful you dont upset anyone, especially people that read the bible and follow christianity. Respect other peoples beliefs/religeon even if you dont think it is right.

Religion is as open to criticism as any other idea. It’s when religion is afforded special protection that we need to start to worry. I ridicule people who think that the world is flat - should I respect that belief too?

No because no one does believe the world is flat now. :lol:

No because no one does believe the world is flat now. :lol:[/quote]

I think you’ll find that there still are people who do.

Maybe a primitive tribe in the world with no contact with the modern earth … but thats not the point…

Did you even click on the last link? There are Westerners who still believe it.

Did you even click on the last link? There are Westerners who still believe it.[/quote]

Yes, but no i still dont believe it… INFACT today i went to the museum to drop some papers off and just remembered us having this convo and while having a talk with the tour guy i asked if there are still people these days that believe that the world is actually FLAT, he said its proposterous and never heard such rubbish… i tend to agree.

Also man of stoat where you said the Revelations is partly crap and you believe only in the interesting bits… you either believe the whole bible and not pick bits out of it or you dont believe it AT ALL.

Stoatman,I know that you are catholical,and im also catholical,but as a religious,i have to demand that you are insulting the religion of Commando Jordovski,you cannot say that the book of Revelations is crap,do you want somebody to say that our bible is crap?,im afraid you are discriminating Commando,he believes in his religion,we believe in our.
but all of them are holy,they are important for us,and if somebody insults it,we will feel the pain in our souls.
that you are conservative don’t means you have to be against other religions,i believe that allah and buda are also god,but each one has a different form to represent god,we don’t know how is the real god,and his name.
but we know that he exists,and we have to follow our religion to be in a better life when we die.

I claim you to give Commando the apologizes for such kind of insult!.

Why don’t we follow our religions,Stoatman,follow yours and be a good catholical,jesus teached us to be bad with our brothers?,NO (if you believe in him,then you have to follow this),God wants us to be against our brothers? NO.

Now rethink on what you’ve said.

Point 1 (Erwin): I am not, nor have I ever been a catholic.

Point 2 (Cdo):

you either believe the whole bible and not pick bits out of it or you dont believe it AT ALL.
So, you believe that the earth was created in 7 days then? And that Pi=3 (1 Kings 7:23)? Can’t pick and choose, you know… And I thus assume that you don’t eat cloven-hoofed animals either (Leviticus 11:3)?

Jesus also tells the Jews that they are the sons of Satan - John 8:43. Does this mean that they are?

And we could then start on the many contradictions - how can you believe 100% of things that are 100% contradictory?

Hate to intrude, but saying this in a way not meaning to lean to either side, the world creation in 7 days, keep in mind that when that happened, it was virtually before time. So what I’m getting at is 7 days could really have been 1 to 2 million years, and we wouldn’t know it! :shock: Ironically enough.

Satan is a fallen angel which means he used to be in heaven… he never liked humans because he thought God gave them to much love instead, lucifer became jealous and started his owne evil kingdom.

Satan is a fallen angel which means he used to be in heaven… he never liked humans because he thought God gave them to much love instead, lucifer became jealous and started his owne evil kingdom.[/quote]

But this contradicts the theological givens that god is all-powerful and all good. If satan is to exist, then god has to be either not all-powerful, not all good, or neither.

I don’t think that certain area of the bible (New Testiment) Is crap, I think the whole thing is crap, I’m a Christian, and I know that Constantine I Pretty much re-wrote the whole New Testiment from it’s original state, and also added dozens upon dozens of pages more.