
Today on Rememberance Sunday and on the 11th November please remember all the dead whatever their nationality.

I in particular remember Harold Tovey, Jean-Baptiste and Marcel Le Prevost and Gerald Baker.

I also remember those who returned and were never quite the same. In particular Guardsman George Eric Timms my Grandfather gone 25 years now but never forgotten.

As an aside at our war memorial (as many others) they put up little wooden crosses with the names and place of death of the dead. I noticed a man from my town died in the Wormhoudt massacre (lets not discuss the whys and wherefores here). I know it was the Warwicks and I live in Warwickshire but I never spotted it before.

Although we got our “Volkstrauertag” (people’s mourning day) by next sunday here in Germany, we today commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Crystal Night/Night of Broken Glass. Even in my small home village the synagogue was set on fire and today a memorial warns on this very spot.

As I haveRememberance day off from Work, I will be attending a small ceremony at the community hall for a presentation honouring the brave souls that gave the ultimate sacrifice.God Bless all the Brave soldiers who paid the price. Amen.

Just wondering if Germany has a bank holiday for the armistice?
Maybe the 8th of May to commemorate the end of Nazism?
Can somebody from Germany confirms there is one?

No, we don’t have any bank holidays regarding the end of the war or any day in conjunction with the Third Reich/World War 2.
Only in the eastern german federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern May 8th is an official “commemoration day” since 2002.
There were debates here if May 8th should have been made a bank holiday, a liberation day. This idea however was turned down because the germans in the soviet occupied zone were not liberated, they just got one dictatorship for another.