Renault FT-17 tank, Yugoslavia, 1941. - Other Forces | Gallery

Renault FT-17 tank, Yugoslavia, 1941.

Yugoslav Renault FT-17 tank, knocked out, 1941. There appears to be a clear full penetrating hit, rear-right; possible that there were other hits. At any rate, tracks on the right side are comprehensively disrupted; the penetration and its consequences are unlikely to have left either crew-member alive. Best regards, JR.

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These were typical of WW I designs, so lightly armored that even rifles using A.P. ammo could easily perf. the armor, and get to the machinery, or Crew.The armor varied between 8, and 22mm, the heaviest being the gun Mantlet. Of the few I’ve been able to get a look at, the Engine compartment was the popular point of aim to get it stopped, then pick the rest apart at convenience. (Of course home made improvements, or adaptations may alter the original specs)