Reported Post by Adrian Wainer

Adrian Wainer has reported a post.


I wish to have an opinion on the standard of Rising Sun’s Moderator activities?

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Post: Jews during the Nazi era, legal issues Part 1
Forum: General WWII Discussion
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, flamethrowerguy

Posted by: Rising Sun*
Original Content:

After reading the original post of this thread several times now I’m still searching for any other meaning but to troll.
He now started posting PM’s asking about the mods’ opinion about RS* style of moderating.

Adrian has been fortunately absent from the board for some time, but apparently he has stopped taking his medication and has reappeared with a meandering and irrational vengeance. Such as

I’m flattered. :smiley:

I already gave my opinion in his shitty thread that you’re probably drunk and that’s what makes you a great Mod. :smiley:

Seriously, I think someone registered just to warn us of what an idiot Adrian is and posted a link to his blog when he first began posting here --which read something on the order of what Charles Manson would have written…

Anyone have a link to that?

Just try and google his name. You’ll get about as much entries as with “free porn”.

Here it is:

I think he’s under the misapprehension that mods have to be totally impartial at all times and treat all the members with courtesy and respect, no matter how much of a cock they may be acting.

Indeed, so far as I can tell RS* didn’t actually employ ANY moderator powers at all in that thread (except possibly to close it after Adrian had requested that it be closed.

Therefore I recommend that we give him a formal warning for rank stupidity (complaining that nonexistent moderation is too strict) and leave it at that. He’s been on my personal shit list for some time, so I have no problems with him getting a formal kicking.

Adrian Wainer has also reported this item.


I hope I have already flagged this post but maybe it did not work, if it did, ignore this.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Actually he had his formal warning by RS* on friday ( and since he chose to report your latest post to the mod room as well I’m convinced he’s craving for a martyr’s fate - or he is plastered after all.

Yeah, I giggled a bit when I saw that - he really is a fuckwit.

Edited to point out that I’ve only just got in from the pub, so my language may be a little more coulourful than usual :wink:

During his previous appearance(s) on the board Adrian was reasonably rational, if provocative and purposely obtuse when it suited him as he is now, but in the thread I linked above
he is all over the place with a crazy mixture of legalism, philosophy and unsupported and insupportable assertions pursuing some obscure point that eludes most of the rest of us.

Either his mental condition is getting worse or he’s so obsessed with that topic that he’s lost all rationality.

I think he’s trying to run some sort of provocative anti-German crusade, and is borderline trolling.

Just like freyir_33, who by some remarkable coincidence joined the board shortly before Adrian reappeared. It might be pure coincidence, or maybe they’re associated on some other board for nutcases pursuing what I perceive as an anti-German, as distinct from an anti-Nazi, campaign.

Freyir’s line is that the Heer, which he persists in calling the Wehrmacht, was just as guilty as the SS and the Nazis in exterminating the Jews and in other exterminations and atrocities, from which he wants us to infer that the whole of the Heer was involved, and from which his sub-text seems to be that all Germans were. That’s a legitimate argument to pursue with historical evidence and rational analysis, but freyir’s approach almost from the moment he appeared on the board strikes me as being essentially an unreasoning racist hostility to Germans which he tries to dress up as being rational with isolated bits of ‘evidence’, which do not support his attempts to tar the whole of the Heer and the German people with the same brush. I reckon he’s laying the foundation for another assault here Do any other mods have the same impression of freyir, or am I being unfair to him?

It seems that both are heavily into the Israel/Zionism thing and probably take it all a bit too seriously…