Reported Post by afrikakorpsdesertfox

afrikakorpsdesertfox has reported a post.


the f word is in it. bann him

Post: Movies that can make you cry
Forum: WWII Movies & Video Clips
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, flamethrowerguy

Posted by: Moreheaddriller
Original Content:

There are plenty of movies otu there and out of all of them theres only a select few that can start the water works any of you got any movies that get to you

P.S. For some reason my dog skip gets me every time

So fucking what?
I hoped this prick left for good…


Wait, what “f word”? The only one I can find in there is “few”!
I vote an infraction to this character for being too stupid to be on the site!

You’re right!:smiley:
But I just checked the entire thread, it’s Moreheaddriller’s “Fuck communism” sig he’s bitching about.
So I’d go for the stupidity infraction as well, we can hardly hand out an infraction for using the f-word since occasionally a certain staff member uses this particular term more often than it can be heard in a Tarantino movie.:lol:

Which fucking one?

It’d be you or fucking me. :smiley:

I noticed Moreheadriller’s ‘Fuck communism’ sig ages ago and considered telling him to remove it, but on balance I didn’t think it was that bad or that obvious. Also, people in glass houses and all that …

Well, it isn’t me cos they never taught us words like these back at school.
pdf27 is English and I remember reading a WW2 document of the US Army (for their troops, about how to associate with the British civilians) saying that the English are “soft-spoken”.
George Eller is missing, so this narrows it down a bit…:mrgreen:

Are you sure they didn’t teach you?

I had a teacher called Mr Fuchs, which was a poor career choice by him but an incredible gift to a class of 14 year old boys. He said it was pronounced Fooks, but we weren’t persuaded. Admittedly, after calling him Mr Fucks at every opportunity it began to pall after a while. I suppose he was used to it.

I saw a reference to a Dr Kuntz recently, who probably claims it’s pronounced Koontz.

I assume these surnames are of Germanic origin.

Presumably they don’t cause the same hilarity in Germany that they do here. :wink: :smiley:

Yes, Fuchs (= fox) and Kuntz are very common surnames in Germany, just like Dick, Cox, Butt and Kamm.

Something we learnt early as law students is that an English judge by the name of Cockburn was actually pronounced Co-burn. Apparently he lost his cock.

That was even less convincing than Fooks for Fuchs. :smiley:

Or Koch…

When I worked for the German Red Cross I had to regularly pick up old clothes from this nice old lady, Mrs. Fuck. Of course the name has no condemnable meaning but describes a frivolous person in ancient German language.