Reported Post by bltjr1951

bltjr1951 has reported a post.


If this isn’t rude…
Brash talk?
Please tell me how many posts I must have, to be as smart as some on here.
Do I have to be 14 and a reenactor?

Post: Paratroopers
Forum: American Military
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, tankgeezer, flamethrowerguy

Posted by: tankgeezer
Original Content:

I’ve PM’d him to wind his neck in. Ignore this, if he can’t take a bit of banter he’ll never survive the internet…

I sent him the following:

I don’t see anything especially objectionable in the post you reported, nor indeed any of the other posts in that thread. TG, for instance, is ex-regular US army and spent quite a few Cold War years in Germany inside a large government issued tin can. When you tell people like that they didn’t do what they remember doing - and all you quote is a book - you’d better have a seriously good reason that their memories are wrong and your book is correct. Remember, these people have all been there and done that - we aren’t talking about 14 year old re-enactors here, or even the middle aged who’ve never been in the armed forces.
Additionally, the comments fall well within the boundaries of good taste that are set for the forum - the particular ones directed at you were little more than an invitation to wind your neck in, no more than that. It was not an official moderator warning (which TG is in a position to give you had he felt it required), but rather advice as to how best to convince those on the forum that you are correct which you would have been well advised to take.

(British Army 2005-2011)

And received the following two replies:

If people have served and know what was done, then where is all the doubt coming from?
Did anyone study their service’s history?
Like I said, before the web, people had to read books, ask people that served, study history books, etc.
I have read, studied, bought books that weren’t in library and I don’t like to be told I don’t know what I’m talking about.
And if people are too PC here, then I am sorry.
I am surprised nobody has come forward to back me up.
All of this because someone didn’t know what a let down rope was? And a paratrooper didn’t either?
Maybe this site isn’t for me?


Class of 1969


BTW, I was at Edwards Air Force base and watched as they tested some rocket fuel in a test engine.
That doesn’t make me a rocket expert.
I was at Lubbock, TX after the 1970 tornado hit and replaced broken telephone cable and poles.
That doesn’t make me a certified tornado expert.
I have three childern and six grandkids.
That doesn’t make me a kid expert.
I’ve worked for the phone company for 40 years.
That doesn’t make me a cell phone expert.
But, when I talk about those things, nobody says I don’t know what I’m talking about.

My spidey-sense is tingling here - I suspect that this guy may seek to go out in a blaze of glory by getting banned, so we need to keep an eye on him…

We have treated him very reasonably, his posts come across as either immature, or pointedly written to produce conflict. But in the end, its up to him where this goes.

My impression is that he’s just not very bright and not capable of any serious analysis, of anything.

I’m inclined to treat him gently, at least unless he shows himself to be a troll.

Don’t know if he’s a troll or just a bit flighty, he may settle down, maybe not. He is a member on some paramilitary/ survivalist sites, which led me to say that he should be watched, as the Klan, and some of the other para-militia/ supremicist groups will troll (in a fishing sense) legitimate sites in hopes of attracting people who may be gathered into their own numbers. Although that possibility may be unlikely, it does exist.
I was just trying to clue him in to the use of manners when posting, if he behaves himself there is no reason to box him.