Reported Post by flamethrowerguy

flamethrowerguy has reported a post.


  • Female?
  • from Melbourne?
  • ocean liners
  • spelling (emeney)

Would that be ‘her’?

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Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, flamethrowerguy

Posted by: Yorkshiress
Original Content:

Hi ‘Yall’ Greetings.

My interest is history,famous disasters of ocean liners & Pharlap! Just gotten into ww2 cause I found out that Belfast was bombed by the emeney,which Belfast is one of my history interests.

you’re truly.

Same ISP, different IP. Inclined to suspect it isn’t as her last 4 incarnations all had the same IP address as each other. If we banned everyone on that ISP, a certain antipodean moderator would also have to be removed. Actually, come to think of it, that’s probably an improvement :p.

I rather hope it is her.

It’s been far too quiet for far too long. Even Herman is dormant. Well, he always was, but here I’m referring to his recent lack of posts.

We need a bit of baiting and blood sport to keep us alive.

I don’t think Nick is from the antipodes. :confused: