Reported Post by Hotchi

Hotchi has reported a post.


Offensive, pro-longing an argument

Post: You tube videos
Forum: WWII Movies & Video Clips
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh

Posted by: Rising Sun*
Original Content:

More than that, sonny boy, more than that!

It’s only due to the tolerant attitude of this site that you’re still here.

Perhaps. But my arsehole likes it.

Don’t laugh if you haven’t tried it.

May I say that I take it as a badge of honour to be called a pervert by a Nazi. Purely because they elevated perversion in all its forms to previously unknown levels, which means I am a world class pervert.

And that you know enough about perversion to recognise me as one.

Again, I must apologise.

Like everyone else on this site, apart from Dietrich, I formed my view that you were a Nazi on the basis of your posts.

Obviously you are just a nicely balanced person who holds the view that all ‘slav scum’ should be exterminated so that Russia can be made into a decent country. Clearly there is no hint of Nazi ideology in that.

And some of us thought you were a troll!

Perish the thought, for the value you bring to this site and its learned historical deliberations shall soon see me banished while you remain to bestow your knowledge upon an ignorant membership clamouring to learn how to exterminate the slavic scum and make Russia a better place.

Once again, I apologise.

[i]Mea culpa.

Mea culpa

Mea culpa[/i]



I’ve already dealt with this in the thread - so far as I’m concerned RS* can crack right on. I see no breach of site rules here.

BTW, Hotchi shares an IP address with Detric, but not with Dietrich. Nick, didn’t you ban Detric for being a duplicate user account (probably of Dietrich)? What did you base it on apart from the blindingly obvious similarity in the user name?

Judging by his terminology, I get the impression that Dietrich and his reincarnation Hotchi are British. Maybe a Brit living in or visiting the USA?

He seems to use the term “bloody” in several of his PM’s and messages.
That’s not often used by Americans.

I tried banning him as a spammer, but it did not succeed. Why?

Watch out for “spetnaz” - his user profile under location says “not russia”. He might be another incarnation of Dietrich / Hotchi.